Guides for OpenAIRE services
EXPLORE - How to report your publication and data to the EC
What it is
In order to report your publication and data to the European Commission, you can use the OpenAIRE EXPLORE service to ensure that all research results are linked to the project.
When publishing or depositing your research results in Open Access, use a fully OpenAIRE compatible repository. Otherwise, you can also use the OpenAIRE Link service later to associate your research results to the project.
Link service is provided by OpenAIRE in order to link research results with a project, a research community or other research results and make the new information available in OpenAIRE information Space.
OpenAIRE is the authoritative source to the European Commission for H2020 and Horizon Europe projects, so deposit once and OpenAIRE will facilitate the posting of your publications and they will automatically appear in the EC Research Participant Portal (SygMa).
By ensuring that the research results are linked to the project, this information will be sent to SygMa. In the next two tabs you can find all the steps to follow, starting from OpenAIRE EXPLORE to the EC Research Participant Portal.
How can I use it?
1. Find your project
1.1. In the Search menu, look up for “Projects”

1.2. Write the Grant Agreement number or the Name of the Project or the Acronym of the Project
Landing page of the project
2. Find your publications
For every project landing page in OpenAIRE Portal there’s a set of tools where you can:
- Check if your publications are all identified and related,
- If yes, they will automatically appear in the EC Research Participant Portal
- If not, you can search your publication in openAIRE and use the Link functionality to link it to your project
- If your publication doesn’t appear in OpenAIRE you have to make a deposit in a compatible Repository
Ensure Open Access to the deposited publication.
An embargo of six months (or 12 months for the social sciences and humanities) is acceptable.
What it does
When you are at the Participant Portal, and if you follow the previous steps, all your work is done!
In Participant Portal you can log in and curate your publications list:
- The one’s suggested by OpenAIRE
- The one’s you’ve already uploaded

Reporting made easy with OpenAIRE:
- Deposit once and OpenAIRE will facilitate the posting of your publications on your project website, CORDIS and European Commission Research Participant Portal! and your publications will automatically appear in the EC Research Participant Portal (SygMa).
- OpenAIRE can apply cleaning, transformation, disambiguation processes, and identify relationships among all research entities: publications, data, software, projects.
- When you publish or deposit in Open Access you should use a fully OpenAIRE compatible repository. If you don't, use OpenAIRE linking services afterwards and associate your research results.
Need more information?
Many repositories are OpenAIRE compliant: they share information with OpenAIRE allowing us to link your publications with your project.
Check if your repository is OpenAIRE compatible
Find an appropriate repository
If the repository of choice is not yet OpenAIRE compatible, use the OpenAIRE Link service to let us know about your publications.
- How to find a trustworthy repository for your data
- How to link a publication to your funding
- What linking is?
Factsheet: OpenAIRE EXPLORE. View