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Suber okladka2Autumn 2014 is a busy season for the Eastern European OpenAIRE partners! 

Fuelled by a range of successful events during Open Access Week (end of October), a number of highly anticipated policy and technical develpments have taken place. New policy frameworks are being put in place in Romania, Slovakia and Hungary, national portals are being established in Croatia, and the standard work 'Open Access' by Peter Suber has been translated into Polish ;

Time for a short overview: 
A "National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation" has established Open Access as the main framework for dissemination of scientific research in Romania. See OpenAIRE NOAD Kosson's website for more information.

More policy action in Slovakia, where Open Access and Open Education are pivotal in the proposed Open Government Partnership Action Plan (English translation can be found here)

In Poland, the OpenAIRE partner Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) announces an Open Access mandate. The Open Science Platform (unit within ICM) has also supported a range of Open Access Week events organized by the Coalition for Open Education, the Library of the University of Łódź and Białystok University Library. Also in Poland, Open Science Platform Legal Assistant was launched - an interactive tool for scientists, publishers, research funders and research units was launched to provide a legal advice.


During OAW2014 the Polish translation of Peter Suber’s book "Open Access" was presented,  prepared by the Open Science Platform team and made available in open access in mobile formats. 
Two videos were added to a series of interviews with leaders of the Open Access movement in the world, on the website, harvested by ICM: one with with prof. Nicholas Canny, responsible for issues related to the openness in the European Research Council and one with prof. John Willinsky, representing the Public Knowledge Project. 


In Croatia, an OpenAIRE compliant infrastructure DABAR (Digital Academic Archives and Repositories) is being set up, using open-source software framework Islandora, based on Fedora Commons and Drupal CMS.
In Debreçen, Hungary, several events took place during Open Access Week, discussing OA policy and research data (More information in Hungarian can be found here).