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Jun 14, 2024

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ARGOS among the DMP platforms that signed the Salzburg Manifesto

Jun 14, 2024

Stemming from RDA in Salzburg

Last October, after a successful session on machine actionable DMPs at RDA Plenary in Austria, a meeting with major DMP service providers led to the Salzburg Manifesto.

The manifesto acknowledges the DMP novelties happening in the EU, US and UK, and was produced as a testament to the shared commitment these actors have to continue collaborating and optimising data management planning through common standards and automation. Moreover, it is an open call to form a global community of practice that will effectively turn DMPs from static .pdfs to active and “living” documents.


In today’s digital research landscape, the need for efficient and streamlined data management practices has never been more critical. Recent developments reveal the community’s need for seamless and automated exchange of scientific information across (Research Data Management) RDM services. DMP platforms support this need at the planning stage and have the potential to lead the acquisition of new competencies and harmonising best practices across the RDM lifestyle while stimulating cultural change and innovation. 

OpenAIRE’s contribution

ARGOS has been one of the first adopters of the RDA DMP Common Standard and winner of the maDMP hackathon in 2020. Its product manager, Elli Papadopoulou, co-chairs the RDA Active DMPs IG to exchange knowledge and practices with other DMP providers in different regions, and hosts monthly ARGOS community calls that offer the space for open discussion with the user community, ultimately delivering features that correspond to their current needs and landscape trends. Since 2007 and the OpenAIRE Guidelines for repositories, OpenAIRE has strived for standardisation through collaboration to accelerate the implementation of Open Science. Today, this is evident by the OSTrails project that OpenAIRE has formed and leads, aiming to enrich the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) with maDMPs while improving their efficacy, most importantly bringing together and working with 24 national and thematic research ecosystems and communities to make it happen.  

Call to Action

Join the community by signing the Salzburg Manifesto: ActiveDMPs