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Community Calls

Are you a researcher or administrator of Argos? Got questions on how to write your Data Management Plan (DMP) or how to create your Template and connect DMPs with other data services and outputs? Join us and learn more!

OpenAIRE is running a series of community calls for Argos to support all researchers in meeting their Horizon Europe requirements by creating FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) DMPs. Similarly, it supports all research performing and funding organisations to orchestrate their data services around Argos and connect data workflows contributing to interconnected Research Data Management ecosystems.

These calls offer the opportunity to discover Argos novelties and learn how to benefit from them in your practice, share feedback and discuss the future of DMPs as FAIR and machine actionable outputs, i.e. as complete outputs that bring validated information, qualified references and automations to the table to assist the processes of collecting, documenting and publishing your data.

The Argos Community Calls take place every last Wednesday of the month at 14.00 CEST
  • Timeline: The meetings will be held every month and are open to all to register. They will last an hour and will provide a perfect opportunity to answer any questions on writing and publishing FAIR DMP outputs and using Argos – provide detailed information on the Templates, APIs configuration, Guidelines, Integrations.

  • Structure: The meetings will have a generic structure with a particular topic of interest each time.
    1. Relevant updates (5 min.),
    2. Main topic presentation (30 min),
    3. Open discussion on community questions and comments (25 min.).

    Meetings will be held for researchers using Argos and equally for Argos Admins. The invitations sent out each month will make explicit which meeting is for whom.

  • #ArgosCommunity

Upcoming calls & Agendas

October 30th, 2024

Topic: TBC

Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CEST

Where: Zoom

Register here


November 27th, 2024

Topic: TBC

Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CEST

Where: Zoom

Register here


December 18th, 2024

Topic: TBC

Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CEST

Where: Zoom

Register here


Notes & Recordings

June 26th, 2024

Topic: This Community Call showed the brand-new functionalities of ARGOS and how to use them:

a. Reviewing Plans
b. Getting In-App notifications
c. New Login
d. Enhanced Pre-filling functionality
e. Getting storage and personalising the interface (for Admins)


May 29th, 2024

Topic: The May edition of our Community Calls founds us in Italy! We welcomed data stewards Giulia Caldoni and Sara Coppini from the University of Bologna who shared insights on their work focusing on the process leading to establishing a DMP template through ARGOS.


April 24th, 2024

Topic: This Community Call welcomed Arnis Kokorevičs, Head of Programmes and projects analytical unit at the Latvian Council of Science, who has presented the Latvian Open Science policy and how the Latvian Council of Science uses ARGOS to implement FARP (Fundamental and Applied) and SRP (State Research Program) grants/projects.


March 27th, 2024

Topic: This month, the ARGOS Community Call was a drop-in session to welcome users (researchers and admin) to have a deeper walkthrough ARGOS. We presented insights and upcoming features in our ma-DMP tool.


February 28th, 2024

Topic: This month was all about connectivity, FAIRness and ma-DMPs! The new project "OSTrails" that OpenAIRE coordinates has kicked off and the community call will present the objectives to co-create the pathways to planning, tracking and assessing and ARGOS contribution.


January 31st, 2024

TopicThis Community Call welcomed colleagues from RSpace, the digital research platform for Institutional Research Data Management, to talk about ARGOS integrations and show how to search, link and publish ARGOS DMPs in RSpace collections. 


Past years Notes & Recordings


January 25th, 2023


This Community Call provided a walkthrough the ARGOS Admin Interface to show the steps that administrators can follow to create a machine actionable template for the DMPs.


February 22th, 2023


This Community Call welcomes Raul Palma, coordinator of Semantic Technologies in the Network Services division at Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center to talk about ARGOS integrations with RO-Hub platform.


March 29th, 2023


The Community Call will share the outcomes from the RDA P20 session on DMPs and discuss with the community potential extensions of ARGOS Templates.


April 26th, 2023


Presentation of the first version of the Software Sustainability Institute checklist to create Software Management Plans.


May 31st, 2023


This Community Call welcomes Filipa Pereira, Research Data Manager at the Foundation for Science and Technology in Portugal to talk about national RDM policy and present the work to create the ARGOS template for national projects.


July 5th, 2023


This Summer edition of our Community Calls focused in the developments available on the latest release of the ARGOS and OpenDMP software:

  1. Semantics
  2. Your ARGOS Profile
  3. Release Notes


July 26th, 2023


This Community Call presented the mocks of our new interface that is programmed to be launched in the autumn. We invite everyone to provide their feedback and thoughts so that we make ARGOS fit for our everyday RDM practice.


October 25th, 2023


This Community Call coincided with the International Open Access Week. During the call we embraced this year's topic "Community over Commercialization" and discussed about the current state of Data Management Plans (DMPs) and how we envision it to take shape in the future. 


November 29th, 2023


This edition of the ARGOS Community Call focused on new developments! We delved into the Blueprint functionality, what it brings to the way DMPs were created so far and how it can be used by Admins and researchers.


December 13th, 2023


The last Community Call of 2023 and we shared with you new developments as well as gaze the future of DMPs together.



June 29th, 2022


The first Argos Community Call focused on researchers, administrators and coordinators of Horizon Europe projects to:

    1. Inform about the DMP landscape in Europe and how Argos contributes
    2. Present the Horizon Europe template in Argos and answer questions


July 27th, 2022


July's edition of the ARGOS Community Call focuses on all ARGOS users, researchers and Admins, to inform about latest developments on the .pdf export and discuss further developments before its release.


September 28th, 2022


The third Community Call is organised for ARGOS Admins and researchers following the community's suggestions to:

  • learn more about the .xml export format, for a walkthrough and how to get .xmls as Admins, and
  • have a smaller version of the Horizon Europe to work with for proposals and 6 month reporting.


October 26th, 2022


The 4th Community Call coincided with the International Open Access Week, was organised for all ARGOS Admins and researchers who would like to engage in discussions with the community about the current landscape in DMPs and how they wish it be co-shaped to better reflect their current needs.


December 14th, 2022


The last Community Call for 2022 highlighted two new features that are developed in ARGOS:

  1. Machine actionable table input in DMP Templates, and
  2. Deposit in many repositories for OpenDMP instances.
