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Graz University of Technology

Technische Universität Graz


The RDM Team of TU Graz aims to increase the awareness on RDM issues and to foster the adoption of RDM practices by researchers employed by the University. Research Data Management pertains to all steps taken along the data lifecycle to ensure that research data can be found, are accessible to others, and are described in such a way that they can be reused by others.

Contribution to Open Science

At the Graz University of Technology, the main responsibility for implementing Open Science tools and services lies with the Research Data Management Team (RDM Team). The team also hosts the Data Stewards and other initiatives, in order to establish close connections with researchers and thus ensure an efficient use of available resources.
Since its establishment in 2019, TU Graz's RDM Team has provided support to researchers to manage research data throughout the data lifecycle, recommending the adoption of open science practices in all research disciplines, and increasing international visibility. The RDM Team plays a key role in the university's strategic programme "Digitale TU Graz" launched by the rectorate that seeks to use the potential of digital transformation to improve the performance in four central areas: teaching, research, administration and 3rd mission. The programme is supported by a professional change management team. This digital transformation is ensured by the team's extensive technical experience in the development and implementation of collaborative and open science tools and services.

Goals and objectives

The goal for the future is the development of FAIR data services and Research Data Management policies, which critically depend on knowledge of local practices. Graz University of Technology is committed to the highest standards of research excellence and to maximising the academic and societal impact of its research and teaching. TU Graz recognizes and affirms the fundamental importance of professional and responsible research data management for maintaining the quality and integrity of research.
  • Member since
Contact Info
Dr. Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi
Head of RDM Team of Graz University of Technology
There are several tools that Graz University of Technology is offering both for their researchers as for stakeholders and project partners:
TU Graz DMP Tool: TU Graz DMP Tool is based on an open source solution called DAMAP that serves as a tool for machine actionable DMPs (maDMPs). DAMAP was developed in collaboration with TU Wien and is under continuous improvement. DAMAP was adapted to the institutional requirements of TU Graz (e.g. design, integration of existing databases) and is available to all TU Graz members for the creation of their data management plans.
eLabFTW: eLabFTW is an electronic solution to the classic lab notebook with many additional practical features (scheduler, collaborative working, lab equipment management, etc.). It is an open source solution already in use at many research institutions worldwide. TU Graz runs its own instance of eLabFTW and it is available to all members of TU Graz. Since interaction with the software is done primarily via the browser, no additional software is needed.
CAT – CyVerse Austria: An interactive, web-based, analytical platform that allows simultaneous access to and analysis of research, accessible inside the TU Graz intranet. CAT is a cooperative project of TU Graz, UNI Graz and MedUni Graz and is based on the open source code of CyVerse US. It is an e-infrastructure intended for the secure temporary storage of research data, as well as to analyse the data using connected high-speed computing clusters. The sharing of data and the integration of the user’s own resources is made possible. Users can access the system, store data, share it with others and evaluate it via any web browser or via the command line.
TU Graz Repository (invenioRDM): The TU Graz Repository is based on invenioRDM and serves to make different publications and research data accessible according to the FAIR principles. By storing these documents in the repository, they receive a permanent address (DOI, digital object identifier), which increases their citability. It is essential that all stored data are provided with metadata that describe them, thus significantly facilitating the retrieval and reuse of datasets. In addition, licenses can also be assigned to regulate the further use of the data.