A Big Step from IZTECH in the Open Science Way
Following the approval of the IZTECH Open Science Policy, which contains details on both publications and research data, by the Senate Decision on 26 March 2019, Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) hosted an important event within the scope of the OpenAIRE Advance project with the motto "Science Set Free". IZTECH is one of the project partners of the EU technical infrastructure Project, OpenAIRE and leads the work on Open Science in Turkey.
"On the way towards Open Science – Science Set Free" was held for the librarians and IZTECH researchers on April 11, 2019 at IZTECH for the purpose of leading and contributing to the work on Open Science which also becomes an important agenda item of Council of Higher Education (CoHE). It was attended by 80 library professionals who were invited from 45 different universities that can lead the work on Research Data Management in Turkey. A total of 140 participants included IZTECH senior management, Rector, Vice Rectors, Deans, and IZTECH researchers.
Opening speeches were made by IZTECH Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Baran and Izmir Institute of Technology Head of Library Gültekin Gürdal.Presenters were Delft Technical University, Data Steward Yasemin Türkyılmaz - van der Velden on "Research Data Management and The Case of the Delft Technical University", Ozyegin University, Dr Pınar Sezginalp on "Architectural Data and Archiving", Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) Consultant İlkay Holt on "Research Data Management and FAIR Principles", Izmir Institute of Technology, Head Library Gültekin Gürdal on "Open Science, OpenAIRE and IZTECH" and ORCID Executive Director Laurel L. Haak on "What is ORCID? Institutional Subscription and Benefits."
Additionally, a workshop was held with the library professionals about how to prepare a Research Data Management Plan including a group work to identify challenges that would be encountered in adopting a Research Data Management plan. Sets of Turkish translation of the OpenAIRE guides were also distributed to all participants.
"On the way towards Open Science" web page: https://libguides.iyte.edu.tr/acikbilimyolunda
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