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Argos automates the writing of DMPs


What's the hype? This new version of Argos goes one step further with repository integrations. It uses Zenodo to automatically retrieve information regarding the findability and accessibility of deposited datasets and allocates them as answers to the respective questions of Argos DMPs.

Why it matters: This version fosters the engagement of researchers with data management as it guarantees less effort to manage data through their Argos DMPs. Moreover, it accentuates the value of Argos as a service connecting data workflows to build local RDM ecosystems that communicate with and are exploitable by national and European infrastructure and policy frameworks.

Try it out! The version introduces some new features that are available for researchers or Argos administrators.

Pre-filling of templates

Researchers are assisted with collection of validated data information found scattered across the different steps of RDM Lifecycles, in particular of datasets that are deposited in Zenodo. The pre-filling happens automatically on the DMP template when selecting to describe Zenodo datasets and software. This feature provides a minimum FAIR compliance at the level of the different distributions covered in a single dataset e.g. host, access rights, licences, etc.

New Admin Interface

Administrators are provided with a clear "3 step workflow" to build their DMP prototype / template. The new interface is intuitive, easy to navigate and use. Argos Administrators can benefit, among other things,from:

  • Building structured templates with a variety of input options to choose from (e.g. input expected as plain text or list of objects, or APIs etc).
  • Re-using Argos collection of configurable APIs that standardise researchers' input (e.g. formats, metadata standards, repositories etc).
  • Moving around questions and sections.
  • Defining the rules for the expected content (e.g. creating conditional questions, compulsory questions, etc).
  • Creating machine actionable properties that meet their needs while keeping compatibility with the DMP Common Standard.

The implementation of this mechanism was very challenging, because Zenodo metadata needed to be mapped to Argos which in turn should be compatible with maDMP. A number of iterations were made in order to get the maximum information from the validated sources while at the same time aligning with the DMP Common Standard to keep a rich maDMP that can be properly exposed and exported.

by Diamadis Tziotzios, Argos developer team coordinator

New resources

The launch of the Admin interface is accompanied with the necessary supporting material making it easier for Admins to find their way around utilising Argos to the fullest of its capacity. The supporting material covers:

Factsheet with key features and capabilities for Administrators

Handbook with details on how to create templates

What more? There are endless possibilities to create machine actionable Templates or simply use Argos depending on your needs! Some examples of what you can do directly from Argos platform:

  • You can use OpenAIRE APIs collection to ensure content completeness and enhance inferenced data validation in the DMPs
  • You can use EOSC API to quickly search the EOSC catalogue and find data resources
  • You can make qualified links with other research outputs, eg datasets with publications and software
  • You can use OpenAIRE RDM guidance or populate Argos with your own training resources to create data management instructions
  • You can connect your services to Argos to assist the DMP writing process through automations supported, eg for pre-filling questions in the DMPs
  • You can assign licences to your DMP
  • You can publish your DMP in Zenodo with a click and get a DOI

Contact argos[at] to learn more and create your machine actionable DMP templates!

Check out how Argos enhances the DMP landscape:

Argos service and the Science Europe DMP evaluation rubric:

More about Argos: 

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