Austria addresses Open Science
Photo: © Universität Wien/ Barbara Mair
Against the backdrop of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and other European data initiatives two Open Science events will be held in Vienna in the third week of November.
On November 20th 2017, the first Focus on Open Science-Workshop, an event organised in cooperation with e-infrastructures Austria Plus, LIBER and Scientific Knowledge Services, will take place in Vienna. The event is an introduction to the „disruptive change“ which Open Science brings. The presenters will offer a complete overview of Open Science‘s core elements, from the perspective of libraries. It will clearly show how Open Access, Research Data Management, E-Infrastructures and Citizen Science are connected and form a building block that represents a future role for libraries. Registration for the event is possible on the event website.
Only three days later, on November 23rd 2017, the Research Data Alliance - RDA Europe, the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology will realise in collaboration a one-day Workshop, entitled Data Stewardship Realized: From Planning to Action. Towards the Establishment of an Austrian Research Infrastructure. Take part in discussions covering the newly established EOSC, the development of national and international research infrastructure initiatives, FAIR data, data policies, data management plans and KPIs. Take a chance to exchange your views with Austrian and international experts and register here.
OpenAIRE NOAD Austria supports both events.
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