The Open Schools Journal for Open Science is the first European peer review scientific journal that accepts original papers written by school-aged students from Primary to Secondary schools across Europe under the mentoring of their Teachers on all aspects of Science, Engineering and Technology. The journal is hosted on the ePublishing platform of the National Documentation Centre in Greece and managed by Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) and is inviting school groups to submit their articles bas...
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Preparing the next generation of citizen scientists via the study of earthquakes OpenAIRE and Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) are in the process of producing a new scientific journal, “Open Schools Journal for Open Science” intended for and prepared by young people. It will work along a parallel citizen science project for schools across Europe with the use of school-based seismographs. The latter, named ‘Schools Study Earthquakes’ has begun as a joined initiative of Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) and th...
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