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Implementation of the OpenAIRE-CRIS-CERIF Guidelines in DSpace-CRIS

Supported by OpenAIRE, 4Science has implemented the most recent version of the OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers in the open-source repository software DSpace-CRIS, which extends the DSpace repository platform by research data and information management.   Today, we already count more than 100 DSpace-CRIS installations running at research institutions across Europe. Which emphasizes the potential when making their rich research information interlinked and findable in OpenAIRE. The main ...

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  6332 Hits

Good Practice Exchange at Bielefeld University - People of OpenAIRE

The "Good Practice Exchange" (GPE) program of OpenAIRE is aimed to support National Open Access Desks colleagues (NOADs) and consortium members in 2020 to visit another consortium partner to exchange and learn about Open Science aspects, such as "Embedding Open Science Practices", "Open Science Policy and its Practical Alignment in an Institutional Context", "National Coordination of Open Science and Research Data Management", and "Repository Operation and Metadata Management Best Practices".Bie...

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'Monitoring OA publishing costs and revenues of publishing initiatives' - Workshop successfully

Colocated with the OpenAIRE General Assembly we organized the workshop "Monitoring OA publishing costs and revenues of publishing initiatives" on Dec-11-2019. Despite all the adverse circumstances of the general strike in Paris, the seminar room was well filled.​ Objectives of the workshop The monitoring of cost information on Open Access publishing is a crucial task in the course of the Open Access transition. The latter can only succeed if sustainable business models can be found acknowledging...

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  2377 Hits

Realizing the implementation of the OpenAIRE-CRIS-CERIF Guidelines in DSpace-CRIS

Supported by OpenAIRE, 4Science will implement the most recent version of the OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers in the open source software DSpace-CRIS which extends the DSpace repository platform by research data and information management. ​Today we can already count more than 100 installations of DSpace-CRIS running in research institutions throughout Europe which emphasizes the potential when making their rich research information interlinked and findable in OpenAIRE.​ The main objective...

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Webinar together with the OpenAPC team on the transparency of publications fees

An overview and a quick dive into the transparency of publication fees (APCs). About 100 viewers attended the webinar on March 25, 2019. The event consisted of two presentations:  First, Christoph Broschinski gave an introduction to the OpenAPC initiative ( ). Since June 2014, this initiative, supported by the DINI working group on electronic publishing and subject of the projects INTACT and continued now in KOA, collects and disseminates datasets on APC ...

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