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Webinar on how to use OpenAIRE to search interlinked scientific results

New Season: The representatives of OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus held a successful webinar focused on the discovery of Open Science scientific results. They invited Konstantina Galouni, product manager in OpenAIRE, and George Papanikos, CTO of CITE, to inform the Greek and Cypriot academic and research communities about OpenAIRE Explore service and Open Science Lens web application. The webinar was attended by 178 Greek and Cypriot researchers, students, academic staff and librarians. ...

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  1385 Hits

Open Research Europe enabling innovation in open access publishing

Tuning in: The Open Science webinar organised by the representatives of OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus in June, engaged with 205 participants to inform them about the Open Research Europe (ORE) platform. The presentation was given by Dr Victoria Tsoukala, Policy Officer-Seconded National Expert- Open Access-Science Cloud - European Commission, DG RESEARCH who presented the latest developments and future plans of ORE. Dr Tsoukala started by introducing the platform and explaining the process of su...

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  2870 Hits

OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus webinar on the European Reform on Research Assessment

The tradition: Athena Research Center (Athena RC) and the University of Cyprus Library (UCY Library), representing OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus, respectively, launched their new series of Open Science webinars highlighting their digital collaboration that has become a tradition in the last five years. About: The first webinar of the 2023 series welcomed Dr Konstantinos Glinos, former Head of Department for Open Science, General Directorate for Research and Innovation, European Commission, to in...

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  2041 Hits

EOSC in Greece: policymakers converge in dialogue and the Greek EOSC community meets

In brief: Greek research stakeholders working in the EOSC realm have met twice during the past three months in events that were co-organized by ATHENA RC and supported by the Greek NOAD. The aim was to strengthen communication of the Greek EOSC community as well as offer the space for the EOSC Association (EOSC-A), the European Commission (EC) and Greek political leadership to engage in meaningful discussions setting the ground and actions for Open Science and EOSC in Greece in the coming years....

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  3015 Hits

OpenAIRE NOADs in Greece and Cyprus join forces with their national associations of librarians and information scientists

OpenAIRE and libraries in Greece and Cyprus: For many years now, OpenAIRE NOADs in Greece (ATHENA RC and HEAL-Link) and Cyprus (University of Cyprus Library) have run joint webinars and workshops to raise awareness and train their national academic and research communities on Open Science practices. Most importantly, they have been supporting researchers in complying with Open Science requirements in the context of the EU Framework Programmes for Science, Technology and Innovation (FP7, Horizon2020, Horizon Europe).

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  2287 Hits

Introducing the ‘Hellenic Open Science Initiative - HOSI’ and the role of OpenAIRE

Inauguration: On 28th February 2022, the Hellenic Open Science Initiative - HOSI was established by 13 Greek leading research, technology and innovation organisations among which OpenAIRE proudly contributes. The Hellenic Open Science Initiative - HOSI forms an Open Science partnership in Greece with the goal to implement Open Science policies in the country and support the national representation and contribution to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in a coordinated and participa...

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  4636 Hits

Argos automates the writing of DMPs

What's the hype? This new version of Argos goes one step further with repository integrations. It uses Zenodo to automatically retrieve information regarding the findability and accessibility of deposited datasets and allocates them as answers to the respective questions of Argos DMPs. Why it matters: This version fosters the engagement of researchers with data management as it guarantees less effort to manage data through their Argos DMPs. Moreover, it accentuates the value of Argos as a s...

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  3413 Hits

Open Science and Scholarly Communication in Greece

Amplifying understanding and building capacity through synergies "Unity is strength". This is the underlying principle that governs the alliance of two Greek OpenAIRE members, 'Athena' Research Center (NOAD) and 'HEAL-Link' - the consortium of academic libraries -, that work towards the wide adoption of OS policies and the alignment of the national context with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).  The two organizations shared the activities, experiences and results of their fruitful coo...

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  2276 Hits

ARGOS: Create, Link and Share Data Management Plans

ARGOS is an open platform for Data Management Planning (DMP), supporting researchers to meet Research Data Management policies and practices in the research workflow. The name "ARGOS" derives from Greek mythology and recalls both the hundred-eyed giant, Argus Panoptes, and Argus (Argonaut) builder of Argos, a solid but rapid ship crossing the Mediterranean.

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French National OpenAIRE Workshop: the new era of OpenAIRE

About: On Friday 2nd July 2021, the French NOAD organized a half-day event to present to the French scientific community the advancements of the OpenAIRE organization as well as inform about its core Open Science services. Invited speakers contributed with presentations and discussions with the audience. Moreover, the workshop highlighted how services are used in practice by other projects or initiatives who shared their experiences and ongoing work. The workshop, also, provided a clear view abo...

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  3832 Hits

Embedding Amnesia, OpenAIRE’s free and open-source software, in COVID-19 research workflows to enable secure processing and sharing of sensitive data

Background: Since the beginning of the pandemic, 'ΑΤΗΕΝΑ' Research Center has been active in communicating best practices and achievements from the national and European R&I ecosystems to the Greek academic and research communities. To maximize the impact of this effort for the benefit of researchers and health practitioners, the OpenAIRE Greek NOAD has been collaborating with national stakeholders and initiatives from different domains (e.g. SSH, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Public Man...

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  4152 Hits

Amnesia Seminar: anonymization of data with guarantees

 In June 30th, an Amnesia open to all seminar was organised, where participants could experience and learn how anonymization of data is performed with it. Organisers  'Athena' Research Center, as part of the activities of the OpenAIRE NOAD in Greece, supported and launched this informative and educational online seminar, in support of research activities relevant to the coronavirus disease. This seminar run in collaboration with the OpenAIRE NOAD in Cyprus.  Short description The ...

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  3164 Hits

Tools for legal issues in Research Data Management

Background: In the framework of the NI4OS-Europe project, ATHENA Research and Innovation Center (ATHENA) developed tools that respond to emerging Open and FAIR Research Data Management (RDM) demands of researchers and provide a first set of clarity for EOSC resource providers' compliance with the Rules of Participation (RoP). NI4OS-Europe is the European project that supports the development and inclusion of National Open Science Cloud Initiatives (NOSCIs) in 15 south-east european member states...

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  3859 Hits

Cypriot NI4OS-Europe event and OpenAIRE contribution

About: On April 23, 2021 the University of Cyprus Library organized an Open Science event to update on the latest developments of European Research and Innovation actions, mainly focusing around the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) developments. The event welcomed 65 participants spanning from academics, researchers to policy makers, funders, librarians and Open Science enthusiasts. Agenda: The Cypriot Open Science event was organized in the context of the National Initiatives for Open Science...

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  2539 Hits

European Commission introduces the Open Research Europe platform to the Greek and Cypriot scientific communities

Focus: In April, the Greek and Cypriot OpenAIRE NOADs, in collaboration also with the Scholarly Communication Unit of HEAL-Link, organized an event to inform their scientific communities and individual researchers about the newly launched European platform for open access publications, namely the Open Research Europe (ORE). The event welcomed Victoria Tsoukala, Policy Officer-Seconded National Expert- Open Access-Science Cloud - European Commission (EC), who presented key features of ORE as well...

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  2280 Hits

OpenAIRE and EOSC in national settings: the Greek and Cypriot paradigms

About: In the framework of established collaboration between OpenAIRE NOADs in Greece and Cyprus, and in support of the NI4OS-Europe project where they both contribute, a webinar was organized to update the Greek and Cypriot scientific community about news from the evolving European Research and Innovation (R&I) area. In brief: Data intensive scientific demands and emerging technologies that are progressively embedded in scientific practices, such as artificial intelligence, significantly af...

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  2601 Hits

Open Science course for CHIST-ERA researchers

Background: Towards the end of 2020, CHIST-ERA organized a set of training events for its researchers network in light of their newly adopted Open Science policy. The courses were prepared and run in partnership with OpenAIRE that has been advising CHIST-ERA on Open Access and Research Data Management (RDM) issues to develop and implement policies and services (CHIST-ERA Open Science Advisory Board). CHIST-ERA is a pan european consortium of national funders supporting research on Information an...

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  3838 Hits

How Greek academic libraries support scholarly communication

HEAL-Link Scholarly Communication Unit

In focus: The Greek academic library community was recently enhanced with an Open Science service supported by HEAL-Link. The newly established "Scholarly Communication Unit" aims to provide librarians with information about Open Access (OA) and scholarly communication, such as best practices on research data, scholarly metrics and peer review. It is also assigned to represent the consortium in international partnerships and projects. The Scholarly Communication Unit operates in the University o...

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  2971 Hits

COVID-19: Greek collaborations on infrastructures and Galaxy installation for data analysis to detect mutations

The focus: Athena Research Center (ARC) continues the series of informative and educational workshops related to important practices, tools and contact points for COVID-19 research in Greece. In December, a joint workshop on Galaxy, the infrastructure for biological data analysis was organised with the Biomedical Sciences Research Center "Alexander Fleming" and the Institute of Applied Biosciences of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas. The workshop informed about the Greek Node of the...

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  3214 Hits

COVID-19: Open Science and Innovation in the Greek research area

Driver: The need to collect all efforts and knowledge in managing the coronavirus crisis and widely promote it to the Greek academic and research community was identified at the very beginning of the pandemic, back in April. As a response, Athena Research & Innovation Center (Athena RC) initiated a series of informative and educational online workshops to support research performed around COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, Athena RC developed a dedicated website that serves as an extensib...

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  3940 Hits