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The first EOSC Tripartite Event was held in Hungary

The purpose of the NRDI Office Tripartite event about Open Science in Hungary was to initiate a discussion about the status of OS in Hungary, involving policy makers, researchers, and support staff. The event was hosted by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary on the 23rd of March. Around 30 people attended in person, and more than 40 followed the discussion online. Presentations were delivered in the morning, and two-panel discussions were held in the afternoon. Th...

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Discussions on Open Science in Hungary

In 2021, important discussions began on Open Science among various stakeholders from research, university leadership and policy-making areas in Hungary. From May 28th, 2021, the University of Debrecen University and National Library (UDUNL) and Governmental Agency for IT Development (KIFÜ) host online events regularly to keep up the conversation on national Open Science practices, the benefits of FAIR research data management and the importance of collaborative science in the Hungarian research ...

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About the Position Paper on Open Science in Hungary

On October 18th 2021 an official position paper was released in Hungary on Open Science. The purpose of the document is to articulate the directions scientific communication is headed in the country considering the ongoing paradigm shift in science. The statement is the outcome of many consultations of several Hungarian institutions. First, the position paper defines what is considered Open Science, then it enumerates the key pillars of the Open Science ecosystem. open access to research outputs...

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Hungary on the move

In October 2019, the National Office for Research Development and Innovation announced the latest Frontline Research Excellence Program. "The programme follows a funding model that supports frontline discovery research while offering grant opportunities to internationally top-performing researchers for implementing their projects in a Hungarian host institution in connection with European Research Council (ERC) calls. This way, the Frontline programme enhances Hungary's efforts to become a regio...

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Discovering Research Data Practices at University of Debrecen (Hungary)

guest post by Zsuzsa Szabó, University of Debrecen, OpenAIRE NOAD Hungary Research data management is an emerging issue worldwide. There are several initiatives within the European Union and its member states to implement data management plans and policies. Open access to publicly funded research results published in scholarly journals is an underlying principle in Horizon 2020. The third phase of the OpenAIRE project series, OpenAIRE2020 focuses on research data management, data archiving and s...

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Landscape of Hungarian Repositories 2017

In 2017 Spring the University of Debrecen University and National Library, as OpenAIRE NOAD for Hungary, conducted a survey on Hungarian repositories with the aim to get a clear picture of the present state of the Hungarian institutional repositories. It was a nationwide survey sent to the members of the HUNOR (HUNgarian Open Repositories) list in the form of an online questionnaire and it contained 28 questions, overall 85 items. All but one repositories sent back their answers. The main areas ...

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