The Senate of the University of Zagreb adopted the Open Science Policy of the University of Zagreb at its regular meeting held on September 24, 2024. The University of Zagreb is the largest and oldest university in Croatia, responsible for over 50% of the country's scientific output. As a leading academic institution in Croatia, the University recognizes its role in shaping and promoting best practices in science. Open science is a practice that strengthens the integrity of research work and bui...
As part of the annual SRCE DEI 2023 conference, which is also the final conference of the Croatian Scientific and Educational Cloud (HR-ZOO) national strategic project, the national tripartite meeting of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) was held. The meeting was organised with the aim of establishing national coordination of the implementation of EOSC policy and defining national priorities and needs in this area. The goal of tripartite events is to bring together key stakeholders from all...
On March 30th, 2023, the Senate of the University of Split held a meeting in which they approved the student enrollment plan for the academic year 2023/2024, as well as the proposal for a new program for the University specialist study in General Surgery at the School of Medicine in Split. The Senate also adopted the Action Plan for the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers for the period 2023-2025 and the Open Science Policy of the University of Split. Based on the Croatian Declaration on Op...
HR-OOZ, the Croatian Open Science Cloud Initiative ceremonially marked the beginning of its activities on September 3rd, 2021 at the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia. Founding members of HR-OOZ received the relative signed Memorandum of Understanding from Prof. Radovan Fuchs, PhD, Minister of Science and Education. The ceremony was followed by the constitutive session of the Council of the HR-OOZ Initiative, which marked the first step towards the development of...
As part of the activities of the Centre for Scientific Information of the Ruđer Bošković Institute in the Horizon 2020 project OpenAIRE Advance, the Croatian Scientific Bibliography - CROSBI has been upgraded and is now aligned with the latest OpenAIRE interoperability guidelines (v. 4.0). With that, CROSBI became the first Croatian data infrastructure at the highest level aligned with the prescribed guidelines, and the records from CROSBI are now also available through OpenAIRE Explore. As part of the OpenAIRE guidelines, the publicly available OAI-PMH database is implemented in CROSBI, through which metadata records can be collected in accordance with the defined guidelines.