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OpenAIRE keep its sustained growth: look at some of the new Content Providers

Over the last months OpenAIRE have integrated new Content Providers, from a variety of typologies, as Institutional, Thematic and Data Repositories, Journal Aggregators / Publishers, Journals and Publication Repository / Aggregators.There are currently 1155 Compatible Content Providers compatible with the OpenAIRE guidelines, covering a diversity of geographies and content typologies (publications, research data, software), representing currently over 24 million publications and 688,870 datasets...

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  3036 Hits

The EU NanoSafety Cluster as Linked Data visualized with Scholia

Republished on behalf of the authors Egon Willighagen, Najko Jahn, Finn Årup Nielsen.*Originally published on Figshare. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Creative Commons BY 4.0 Int.AbstractAt a recent hackathon organized by the European Research Council, GeneWiki, and others, a group of 25 researchers came together in Berlin to work on ontologically modelling research grants in Wikidata. During this meeting the EU NanoSafety Cluster was used as use case study, resulting in new linked data around th...

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  4096 Hits

eInfraCentral – Helping users discover and access Europe’s e-infrastructure services

eInfraCentral brings researchers the catalogue of various European e-services. The beta version of the eInfraCentral gateway is available for browsing without registration: http://beta.einfracentral.eueInfraCentral was set up in 2017 to ensure that by 2020 a broader and more varied set of users (including industry) discovers and accesses the existing and developing e-infrastructure capacity. This is done via the creation of a common service catalogue in collaboration with Europe’s leading e-infr...

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  2549 Hits

FOSTERplus project organised the FOSTER Open Science Trainer Bootcamp

 Check out recent activities and future developmentsSoon after the release of the Open Science Training Handbook, an interesting resource that provides theoretical notions and practical guidance on how to organize open science training, and the Roadmap for Implementing Open Science Training Practices in Research Institutions, an important advocacy resource, the FOSTER Plus project organised the FOSTER Open Science Trainer Bootcamp.The goal of this event was to further develop the participan...

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  2372 Hits

OpenAIRE keep growing - check out some of the most recent content providers!

The OpenAIRE information space continues its impressive record of growth.  This significant and consistent growth represents currently over 24 million publications and 688,870 datasets. OpenAIRE has 1,111 content providers compatible with the OpenAIRE guidelines, pointing to resources in over 11400 Repositories or OA Journals.In 2018 OpenAIRE continues receiving the registration of new content providers from a variety of typologies: Institutional Repositories, Institutional Repository Aggregator...

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  2730 Hits

Opening up Research on Accidential Injuries — „Tell us!“ project starts 8th of May 2018

Systematically opening up research processes has been the focus of several projects from the Ludwig Boltzmann Association Open Innovation in Science Center.„Tell us!“ is systematically opening up the research process within the field of orthopedic traumatology at a very important early stage: generating research questions. This ambitioned goal is based on the idea that substantial knowledge is created outside the academic discourse, but sticks within clinical routines. By applying crowdsourcing,...

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  2026 Hits

Dutch OpenAIRE national event "Open day on open science"

**published on behalf of Elly Dijk – Dutch NOAD**On 21 March 2018 DANS, Data Archiving and Networked Services, organized, together with the Dutch OpenAIRE NOAD, the Young Academy (KNAW) and the Dutch PhD Network - Promovendi Netwerk Nederland, an “Open day on Open Science” at the DANS venue.Subject of this day was open research data, research data management, data archiving and data reuse. The day was a great success with presentations, discussions, and an information market. There were around 9...

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  2233 Hits

DI4R 2017 - Cloudy days in Brussels

From 30th November to 01st December 2017 the Digital Infrastructures for Research conference took place in Brussels, directly after the first EOSC Stakeholder Forum. Four days characterised by the discussion of the upcoming challenges and changes, which go along with the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud. The first day of the DI4R was opened by Katrin Amunts, one of the four keynote speakers, who delivered insight into the Big Data Challenge of the Human Brain Project. A lecture ...

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  2041 Hits

Repositories of the future

Repositories forming a distributed global knowledge network have the potential to promote the transformation of the scholarly communication ecosystem and advance the OA scholarly communication infrastructure towards a “scholarly commons “. One of the barriers is a lack of web-based integration with other innovative scholarly services. There is a clear need for repository platforms to adopt modern web-technologies and protocols that will allow them to better interact with more innovative and soph...

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  2457 Hits

Research Data Management related-resources in OpenAIRE

*posted on behalf of Marjan Grootveld, DANS (@MarjanGrootveld)*During Open Access Week 2017, OpenAIRE and FOSTERplus tried out a new format for a webinar on Research Data Management called “Flip the Classroom”. Participants were asked to submit their questions in advance so that they could be addressed during the presentation - more than 20 questions were submitted and 60 people participated in the webinar.Marjan Grootveld from DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services) introduced OpenAIRE and...

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  2134 Hits

European University Association declared strong support to EU current Open Science policies and to OpenAIRE: EUA statement issued on October 27th

The European University Association (EUA) has recently published a statement welcoming the efforts of National Governments and the European Commission in promoting Open Science values in their national research funding schemes and in the EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme.This statement follows the previous recommendations EUA provided to its members Towards Full Open Access in 2020 and Towards Open Access to Research Data and highlights the role of the OpenAire platform in the adopt...

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  2402 Hits

New FAQs on Data Management Plan

OpenAIRE is pleased to announce a set of new FAQs on Data Management Plan.These FAQs address basic issues like what exactly is a DMP, when its submission is due in an H2020 project, what tools are available to help researchers to create a useful DMP.You can take a look at the new content starting from this FAQ about the Open Research Data Pilot in Horizon2020.Don't forget to read our factsheet specifically about the Open Research Data Pilot in Horizon 2020 and how OpenAIRE can help.The OpenAIRE ...

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  3014 Hits

Collaborative annotations for preprint repositories

Guest post by Alexander Naydenov, co-founder of PaperHivePreprint repositories like arXiv, SSRN and Zenodo have become an integral part of the research workflows in their respective disciplines. University repositories and initiatives like bioRxiv and the preprint servers supported by the Open Science Framework are following in their footsteps. Authors expect fast dissemination of their results and feedback for improving their manuscripts. Readers would like to easily discover new research witho...

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  2402 Hits

EOSC Declaration: OpenAIRE's Response

OpenAIRE welcomes and endorses the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Declaration and the vision of European Open Science. As stated in the EOSC summit on 12.6.17 OpenAIRE has often emphasised that while EOSC develops a European research data commons, the scope should be broader. In our view and experience, EOSC must take a holistic approach and address all stages of scientific knowledge production, sharing and dissemination as integral parts of the Open Science agenda. More specifically, and to...

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  3581 Hits

I4OC: the new initiative for openly accessible citations

Six organisations recently announced the establishment of the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC): OpenCitations, the Wikimedia Foundation, PLOS, eLife, DataCite, and the Centre for Culture and Technology at Curtin University.OpenAIRE is proud to be amongst the initial group of 33 organisations, including The Internet Archive and Mozilla, to formally put their name behind I4OC as stakeholders in support of openly accessible citations. OpenAIRE supports and creates the social and technical bridg...

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  3784 Hits

What are the barriers to post-publication peer review?

Guest post by Jon Tennant, Communications Director of ScienceOpen, email: Jon.Tennant@scienceopen.comAt ScienceOpen, we have over 28 million article records all available for public, post-publication peer review (PPPR), 3 million of which are full-text Open Access. This functionality is a response to increasing calls for continuous moderation of the published research literature, a consistent questioning of the functionality of the traditional peer review model (some examples in this post), and ...

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  2608 Hits

Scholastica White Paper Calls for Democratized Journal Publishing

Guest Post by Danielle Padula, Community Development officer for Scholastica, email: dpadula@scholasticahq.comIt’s no secret that the cost of corporate-run academic journals is skyrocketing. A 2007 study found the average list price of for-profit journals to be four times higher than that of not-for-profit publications. Rising journal subscription prices have increased support among the academic community for publishing scholarship open access (OA), or free to read online. But on its own OA publ...

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  2493 Hits

European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Pilot project launched!

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Pilot project kicked off last 17-18 January in Amsterdam. The EOSCpilot brings together about 50 partners, third-parties and subcontractors to support the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It will establish the governance framework for the EOSC and contribute to the development of European open science policy and best practice. Moreover, it will develop a number of working scientific demonstrators that show interoperability and its bene...

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  3109 Hits

2016 has been productive for OpenAIRE – check out some of the newest Data Providers (September-December 2016)

2016 has been productive for OpenAIRE! The OpenAIRE information space continues its consistent and significant growth; now includes 17,755,385 publications, 31,752 datasets from 5,843 data sources (repositories, data archives, OA journals, publication and data aggregators…). Specifically, the open access content linked to project funding information has massively increased, as well the number of OpenAIRE compatible repositories.Take a look at some data providers that have recently contributed to...

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  1569 Hits

Portuguese OpenAIRE workshop 2016 on "Open Science and the Funders' Requirements: Open Access and Open Data in H2020"

On the November 4th 2016 the Portuguese OpenAIRE national workshop was held in Coimbra, Portugal, at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Coimbra. The workshop was focused on the Open Access and Open Data Horizon 2020 requirements but also aimed to have a more comprehensive view of Open Science. With the title "Open Science and the Funders' Requirements: Open Access and Open Data in H2020", this half-day workshop had four main presentations from Stephen Curry, Imperi...

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  2858 Hits