Open Access (OA) Week 2018 events wereorganized in Latvia for its scientific society and for those who are interestedin the field for the 9th time so far. Although the work with scientific societyabout the open processes is done on plan and on demand, the offical events ofthe Open Access week European-wide are the central to bring together everyoneinterested in the field to discuss and share the ideas and understandings. The highlight of the activities this year was a practicalseminar “Open Scie...
Post by Aija Uzula, University of Latvia. OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk for Latvia. [caption id="attachment_3234" align="alignright" width="114"] Gita Rozenberga On May 16, 2018 the OpenAIRE NOAD in Latvia organised a seminar about the Creative Commons licences and movement in general, as well as the idea of Open Bussiness models, held at the Humanities and social sciences centre of the University of Latvia (UL). The key speaker of the seminar Gwen Franck is Op...
News from a couple of months ago, but still interesting for those interested in citizen science and the link with open science: On May 20 and 21 the National Open Access Desk (NOADs) of Latvia participated in the HELSUS Knowledge Festival in Jelgava with an information panel about the citizen science movement. The HELSUS Knowledge Festival is devoted to human self-education in various fields. NOADs is a support point in Latvia in connection with issues related to providing open access to r...
The Library of the University of Latvia and National Open Access Desk - Latvia participated in Open Access Week 2016 by organising several activities:The workshop „Research Data Management and Open Science: Challenges and Opportunities for Latvia” as pre-event, on October 13. The workshop was given by Iryna Kuchma, EIFL-OA Programme Manager. Click HERE to view the recording of this workshop.One of the main events was the conference „Research of the University of Latvia and e-resources”. The...
On January 28, the Latvian University Library received the Recognition award of the Latvian Open Technology Association (LATA) at the conference "Open technology and smart solutions" . The LATA conference is about sharing knowledge, and for discussing smart technologies that emphasise security, privacy, data storage and ICT management aspects. OpenAIRE wants to congratulate the Latvian University Library with this accomplishment!
The conference “Open Science - the 21th century benefits for researchers” took place during the annual International Open Access week. This conference, which had financial support provided by the European Union`s FP7 program`s project FOSTER, was organized by three institutions – the National Library of Latvia, the University of Latvia and Technical Riga University. The conference was attended by more than hundred scientists and research managers, creaters of research policie...