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Bulgaria: National Initiative for Open Data and Cloud Computing

Bulgaria National Initiative

Creating synergies at the national level 

by  Peter Stanchev

On December 9, 2021, nine scientific organizations signed an agreement establishing the National Open Data and Cloud Computing Initiative (NIAP). This agreement aims to create synergies at the national level between organizations with a role and interest in the European Open Science Cloud ( EOSC); integration of open data infrastructures (storage) and cloud computing (services) in the EOSC; support activities to optimize services for research and innovation; share and disseminate information regarding the capabilities of the infrastructure, services and expertise of the participants as well as their work and achievements.

According to the Agreement, the initial activities will include the following actions:

  • Identify of digital resources, general and thematic cloud services at the national level and provision of technical assistance to ensure compliance with EOSC requirements and recommendations;
  • Develop a strategy for synchronization/development of advanced methodologies for accessing and sharing data such as user interfaces, federation of resources, tools for identification, authorization and accounting; 
  • Identify a path for possible development of this agreement to administrative structures or a consortium for participation in national or European projects; 
  • Coordinate cooperation in the development of solutions for the operation and monitoring of infrastructure based on specific tools and open data, compatible with EOSC;
  • Supporting the academic, research and innovation community to develop specific opportunities by organizing national and international events and providing the specific training needed for the transition to open science;
  • Promoting FAIR principles (availability, accessibility, interoperability, reusability) and their acceptance by research data providers; 
  • Identify and stimulate the opportunities for the impact of EOSC on projects in the National Roadmap of Scientific Infrastructures in Bulgaria and other research infrastructures.  

 Get in touch with our NOAD in Bulgaria! 


Peter Stanchev

European Open Science Infrastructure, for open scholarly and scientific communication
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