Self-organizing research communities for open science: Locating Open Science (OS) at the core of European Union strategies and flagships led an increasing number of public stakeholders with an active role in the academic and research fora to embrace this new paradigm, though in a decentralised way. Developments of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) contribute both to accelerating this shift and to introducing a coherent approach to communicating, internally among national stakeholders, and e...
Open Science is an internationally and universally accepted term that includes open (free for the end-users) access to scientific and educational literature, open research, open innovation, open source software, etc. In all documents regulating science in the European Union (and beyond), open access is mandatory, as the wider community has the right of access to the results of scientific research funded from public sources, i.e. by the money of taxpayers. The Ministry of Education, Science and T...
Open Science webinars in Greek - v1: On Thursday 06 June, the Greek and Cypriot OpenAIRE NOADs ended their first round of collaborative webinars around Open Science with a presentation on good practices for developing software in the area of open research. In focus: Open Software has gained importance in the field of Science. The demand for open solutions is being increased as researchers realize the benefits of more contributions and collaborations to software development, especially in fast ev...
On the 13th of June, 2019, UEFISCDI (Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding -, as OpenAIRE NOAD in Romania, has organized at the National University of Political Science and Public Administration (SNSPA -, a workshop addressed to both young and more experienced researchers on the following subject: Open Access Publishing of Research Results. The event aimed to equip participants with knowledge and skills rega...
In January 2019, the TU Wien (represented by the TU Wien Bibliothek) and the University of Vienna (represented by the Vienna University Library) joined forces to lead the ORCID Austria consortium currently comprising of eleven institutions, which aims to increase the uptake and relevance of the ORCID iD as a unique identifier for researchers in Austria. Having an ORCID iD improves the international research profile for individual scientists, whereas institutions benefit from an increased interna...
Background and importance: Part of the Open Science webinar series running in collaboration of the Greek and Cypriot OpenAIRE NOADs, this webinar focused on Data Stewardship. With data management services and practices to be at a primary stage of developments at the University level in Greece and Cyprus, it seemed as a good opportunity to introduce the concept/role of data stewards to the library and to the research community, providing an understanding of duties and position within the Universi...
On the 2nd and 3rd of April, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Library hosted two events: FOSTER Open Science Trainer Bootcamp for librarians from Lithuanian research libraries and Open Data Workshop on Writing Data Management Plans for doctoral students at KTU. This was not the first time the hosts welcomed FOSTER training events at Kaunas University of Technology: a series of events under the title "Promoting Open Science among Young Researchers: Challenges and Opportunities" with numerous...
The occasion: The series of the Greek and Cypriot NOADs webinars on Open Science aim to keep the academic and research community in Greece and Cyprus up-to-date and in sync with European developments and trends as well as support their open research endeavours. The need for GDPR literacy: The webinars have proven to be a good practice also for getting a better understanding of national community needs. Of the most popular areas where researchers, innovators and libraries seek advise is the Gener...
Following the approval of the IZTECH Open Science Policy, which contains details on both publications and research data, by the Senate Decision on 26 March 2019, Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) hosted an important event within the scope of the OpenAIRE Advance project with the motto "Science Set Free". IZTECH is one of the project partners of the EU technical infrastructure Project, OpenAIRE and leads the work on Open Science in Turkey. "On the way towards Open Science – Science Set Free...
In Bratislava on April 11, 2019 we held a workshop on the future of scholarly journals in Slovakia. This was the second time we organized a workshop dedicated solely to Open Access journals. The main goal was to gather Open Access journal publishers and discuss the problems they are facing in Slovakia. The workshop was carried out in English and Slovak. The main guest was Guillaume Rivalle from Clarivate Analytics who talked about supporting of publishin...
The occasion: OpenAIRE was present at the "Climate Change Symposium: Threats, Challenges, Solutions for Greece" held at the American College of Greece, DEREE on Wednesday 3rd April 2019. The Symposium was comprised of key environmental organisations and experts presentations and ended with a series of parallel game sessions as well as a mini-concert. The Climate Change Symposium was co-organised by Athena Research Center, the UN SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network) and Climate KIC Gr...
The institutional fundraising campaign for the OpenEdition Books Select offer, conducted jointly with Knowledge Unlatched, OpenEdition and Couperin, is on the right track: 58 institutions (mainly from France but also from Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, USA) have pledged for the release of a package of 30 SSH research books in French (10 new books and 20 from OpenEdition collections). In fact, 6 out of the 10 new titles are already available on the OpenEdition Books platform: Le cinéma ou...
⏪Flashback: A series of OpenAIRE webinars on vital Open Science issues was initiated last year in collaboration between the Greek and Cypriot NOADs. The specificity of these webinars is that they are conducted in the greek language in an attempt to engage more librarians and researchers with particular aspects of open and responsible research conduct. This activity is expected to, and has actually had already a positive effect, in cultivating change in research culture and in familiarising...
On Valentine’s Day, 14 February 2019, DANS organised the national OpenAIRE workshop “Open Day on Open Science: Love to share data”. The gathering was co-hosted by OpenAIRE Advance, the KNAW Young Academy, the Netherlands PhD Network and the RDA NL National Node. Topics included open research data, research data management (RDM), data archiving, and data reuse. There were about 110 attendees, mainly researchers and data professionals from universities and colleges in the Netherlands. DANS directo...
A year ago, the action plan for the Swiss National Strategy on Open Access has been approved by the plenary assembly of swissuniversities and has been subsequently endorsed by the governing board of the Swiss University Conference. Swiss Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are the key players in the implementation process of the national strategy, so the aim of the action plan was to provide them with options and concrete solutions to achieve the objectives that came with adopting the strategy....
Dutch Copyright Act offers an alternative route to open access The Dutch universities will give open access an extra boost by starting a pilot to make publications available after six months in collaboration with researchers. In order to achieve the Dutch ambition of 100% open access in 2020, we have made agreements with many publishers regarding open-access publishing. Currently, this is not yet possible for all types of publications or journals. That is why, starting February ...
AT2OA-workshop “Open Access Monitoring - Approaches and Perspectives”, Vienna, April 2018Authors: Steve Reding, Patrick Danowski, Andreas Ferus, Anna-Laetitia Hikl, Tobias Zarka, Mario Schautz, Gerda McNeill, Olivia Kaiser, Michael Zojer, Mail: michael.zojer@aau.atIn Europe Open Access strategies with specific goals like 100 % Open Access in 2025 are getting published. To evaluate the status of this goals an Open Access monitoring is necessary. Different countries like Denmark and Finland have a...
Scholarly journals published by academic societies have to struggle through the complex publishing landscape in order to maximise their visibility, discoverability and usage. This is due to the fact that these journals are either being hosted on non-robust platforms such as society websites or maintained by commercial publishers with content that is behind pay wall or against costly article processing charges. To support Open Access, the University of Malta (UM) Library has implemented the first...
By the repository unit, open access and FECYT journal Since 2007, and every other year, FECYT launches a callfor evaluating the editorial and scientific quality of the Spanishscientific journals. There is an expert panel that conducts the evaluation. Itis based on an exhaustive and rigorous analysis of journals’ compliance with aset of formal editing criteria, plus the analysis of their visibility andimpact levels. Currently there are 298j...
The OpenAIRE National workshop held at the University of Turin aimed at presenting the different perspectives on the future of scholarly communication in Europe, focusing on new infrastructures and new services towards a more open and sustainable ecosystem. High-level speakers were invited to provide an answer to some issues like: How shall we communicate and evaluate science in the next few years? Do we still need journals? What about PlanS? And what about FAIR data and the EOSC, European Open ...