In January 2018, Spanish Government published the State Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2017-2020 that includes important news on open access to scientific publications and research data. The State Plan is the main instrument of the State Government for developing and achieving those objectives set at the Spanish Strategy for Science and Technology and Innovation 2013-2020, and at the Europe 2020 Strategy. The funding priorities included in the National Plan are granted through com...
Followed by several meetings of the OpenAIRE-Advance and EOSC Hub teams at Ruđer Bošković Institute , a seminar on "Cooperation in Social Sciences and Humanities in a Networked European Research Space" was held at the Teleconference Hall on Thursday, March 29, 2018. Four European projects in the field of humanities and social sciences - DARIAH-HR, CESSDA, OpenAIRE-Advance and EOSC Hub - were presented at the seminar. Special emphasis has been placed on the advanced computer services and tools de...
Systematically opening up research processes has been the focus of several projects from the Ludwig Boltzmann Association Open Innovation in Science Center.„Tell us!“ is systematically opening up the research process within the field of orthopedic traumatology at a very important early stage: generating research questions. This ambitioned goal is based on the idea that substantial knowledge is created outside the academic discourse, but sticks within clinical routines. By applying crowdsourcing,...
On the 28th of February 2018 the Health Research Board (HRB), One of Ireland’s largest funding agencies took a large step forward for Open Science by launching an Open Research Publishing Platform. HRB Open Research is an Open Access, Open Peer-review, Publishing Platform that accepts submissions from HRB funded researchers. How it worksOpen submission of an article, the editorial team does a basic check on each submission to ensure that all policies are adhered to.The finalised manuscript...
**published on behalf of Elly Dijk – Dutch NOAD**On 21 March 2018 DANS, Data Archiving and Networked Services, organized, together with the Dutch OpenAIRE NOAD, the Young Academy (KNAW) and the Dutch PhD Network - Promovendi Netwerk Nederland, an “Open day on Open Science” at the DANS venue.Subject of this day was open research data, research data management, data archiving and data reuse. The day was a great success with presentations, discussions, and an information market. There were around 9...
Workshop Report: Berlin, Germany, 1-2 february 2018. For the third time, the “” network met for a two-days workshop at the Free University of Berlin, Germany. The event was organized by the head of the expertise network, the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS), and attended by about 70 participants from German speaking countries and Denmark.“”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), connects and supports not only universities and research institutes in Germany that us...
The University of Malta (UM) Library in conjunction with OpenAIRE organised a one-day workshop entitled Open Access in Practice: Dissemination, Visibility, Usage & Impact of Scholarly Research. The event was held on Friday 12th January, 2018 at the UM’s Conferences and Events Unit, based at the Valletta Campus. The aim of the event was to raise awareness about the concept of Open Access and to provide a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas between key stakeholders for t...
As of 2018, the National Library of Sweden (NLS) has received two new assignments from the Swedish Government regarding open access to publicly funded scientific publications. These will serve to monitor and assess national developments towards Open Access. First, the NLS shall report the total cost of publication in Sweden, comprising subscription fees, publication charges (APCs), and additional administrative expenses. Secondly, the NLS will develop assessment criteria based on the F...
Based on a decision by the National Research Council, all publications produced in SNSF-funded projects are to be freely available in digital format as of 2020. "Research findings funded by public money are a public good," says Matthias Egger, the President of the National Research Council. Open Access is quickly becoming the accepted standard in science. Until now, less than 50% of the publications produced in SNSF-funded research have met this requirement. But as of 2020, the SNSF will expect ...
The workshop, organised by OpenAIRE Spanish NOAD in collaboration with FOSTERPlus project took place as an associated event of “ECA - Ecosistemas del Conocimiento Abierto”, a major event in Spain for the open access and repository community, during Open Access Week. The main focus of the workshop was to introduce to researchers and research managers European and State-level open science related policies and how to comply with them. Pilar Rico (FECYT) and Remedios Melero (CSIC) were the speakers ...
It was only 30 years ago that the first public research centres were founded in Luxembourg, but today research and innovation have settled as core priorities to contribute towards the country’s economic diversification and future prosperity. On Thursday 26th of October 2017, as part of the Open Access Week (23-29 October 2017), researchers from all research institutions within Luxembourg were invited to participate, discover, discuss the broad and valuable topic of Open Science. Being Luxembourg...
With the theme “Open Science for a Better Future", the 6th National Open Access Conference and OpenAIRE Workshop took place at Ege University Ataturk Cultural Center in Izmir, during 24-25 October 2017, hosted by Izmir Institute of Tehcnology. The aim of the event was to raise to awareness on open access, open science and open data and draw attention to harmonization of Open access policy, strategy, legislation, infrastructure and services in Turkey with the European Union (EU). Nearly 300 peo...
Kickstart your ORCID ID! OpenAIRE NOAD in Serbia has released a set of brief video tutorials about ORCID IDs. The video's are in Serbian and should be understood throughout the Western Balkans. They are intended for all those who (still) do not have ORCID profiles, but they may also be useful for registered ORCID users who have not fully set up their profiles. [embed][/embed] Each topic is e...
Photo: © Universität Wien/ Barbara Mair Against the backdrop of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and other European data initiatives two Open Science events will be held in Vienna in the third week of November. On November 20th 2017, the first Focus on Open Science-Workshop, an event organised in cooperation with e-infrastructures Austria Plus, LIBER and Scientific Knowledge Services, will take place in Vienna. The event is an introduction to the „disruptive change“ which Open Science brin...
Graphic record of the Workshop. VerVieVas, CC BY 3.0 AT On September 20th 2017 the Vienna Principles Working Group of the Open Access Network Austria, AT2OA, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft and Open Knowledge Austria organised the Open Science Workshop at the Austrian Central Library for Physics and Chemistry, which is a special subject library of Vienna’s University Library. This one day event was focussed on providing researchers, research support managers and librarians with information about t...
News from a couple of months ago, but still interesting for those interested in citizen science and the link with open science: On May 20 and 21 the National Open Access Desk (NOADs) of Latvia participated in the HELSUS Knowledge Festival in Jelgava with an information panel about the citizen science movement. The HELSUS Knowledge Festival is devoted to human self-education in various fields. NOADs is a support point in Latvia in connection with issues related to providing open access to r...
Estonian Research Council coordinates Open Science policy in the country by organizing various events in cooperation with other institutions (including the University of Tartu Library, OpenAIRE NOAD in Estonia). In 2015, Estonian Research Council established the Open Science Expert Group which consists of 14 experts from universities, libraries and other institutions. The group has compiled a document “Open Science in Estonia” that includes general principles and policy recommendations, encourag...
Supporting Open Access journal editors and publishers in Serbia and participating in the Western Balkan Working Group on Open Science SCIndeks is the central hub of the integrated system of quality-controlled scientific publishing in Serbia. The SCIndeks team developed guides and templates to help editorial boards of Serbian Open Access journals to comply with the "new" DOAJ inclusion criteria on publication policy and licensing. New functionalities in editor services were implemented and SCInde...
The Czech Republic National Strategy of Open Access to Scientific Information for 2017-2020 was approved by the Government on June 14, 2017. Decree of the Government (in Czech only, no. 444) is available here. The strategy includes open access to publications and data (Data Management Plans) requirements for publicly funded research projects. Interoperable and OpenAIRE compatible open access e-Infrastructure will be built. And awareness raising and educational activities will be conducted. Accor...
guest post by Zsuzsa Szabó, University of Debrecen, OpenAIRE NOAD Hungary Research data management is an emerging issue worldwide. There are several initiatives within the European Union and its member states to implement data management plans and policies. Open access to publicly funded research results published in scholarly journals is an underlying principle in Horizon 2020. The third phase of the OpenAIRE project series, OpenAIRE2020 focuses on research data management, data archiving and s...