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OpenAIRE Graph v10.0.1 Is Live!

The first update of the latest dataset released in December (v.10.0.0), version 10.0.1 includes updated Crossref publications to include contents until December 2024 and updated Datacite contents until December 2024. An update was also added which incrementally added newer records from Crossref and Datacite resulting in ~13K more datasets (0.02%) and ~950K more publications (0.5%).You can access the latest dataset at (there labelled as v9.0.0). If you...

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  511 Hits

Key Takeaways from OpenAIRE Session with the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science

Bringing together Bulgarian policymakers and Open Science experts from the OpenAIRE community, the session addressed key pillars of Open Science – policy, training and infrastructure – and offered valuable insights into implementation processes in Belgium, Portugal and Ireland. The webinar kicked off with an introduction to the Open Science ecosystem in Bulgaria by Milena Damyanova, Director of the Science Directorate at the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. She emphasized that the im...

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  683 Hits

Azerbaijan Technical University Rector Announces the Creation of University’s First Open Science Office.

In December, the Rector of the Azerbaijan Technical University, Prof. Dr Vilayat Valiyev officially announced the establishment of the University's Open Science Office! It should also be noted that the support provided by the Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, Prof. Dr Subhan Namazov, to the Library Center in this area is undeniable. The OS Office will function within the framework of the university's Library Information Center and enjoy the complete support of the Rector's office...

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  644 Hits

Reflections on the Paris Conference on Open Research Information

Authors: Stefania Amodeo, Angeliki Tzouganatou, Thanasis Vergoulis OpenAIRE recently participated in the Paris Conference on Open Research Information. This event focused on implementing the Barcelona Declaration. Held at Sorbonne University in Paris from September 23-24, 2024, the conference brought together signatories, supporters, and diverse stakeholders committed to advancing Open Research Information across the global research ecosystem. The event showcased the growing momentum behind the ...

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  916 Hits

OPEN — a new version of the Repository of Open Scientific Publications

OPEN is a part of the Open Science Platform ( at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw ( Formerly known to the Polish academic community as the CeON Repository, it enables Polish researchers from all fields to openly share their articles, books, conference materials, reports, doctoral theses, and other scientific texts. Publications in the Repository are indexed by the most important aggregators and search engines, ...

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  1453 Hits

Türkiye Makes Strides in Open Science Thanks to OpenAIRE

Gultekin Gurdal, the Library Director at Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) and an executive board member of OpenAIRE AMKE, attended the Polish Open Science Conference that took place 10–12 April 2024. This key event, focused on all aspects of Open Science, provided a platform for researchers, librarians, data managers, and scientific infrastructure developers to discuss critical issues such as Open Access publishing, research data management, and the European Open Scienc...

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  2450 Hits

What GraspOS project contributes to research assessment reforms

Welcome back: For the filth year, the representatives of OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus continue their successful series of webinars! In March, they welcomed Thanasis Vergoulis, lead technical manager of GraspOS project, to inform their local communities about the goals, the activities, and the expected results of the European project working on the area of research assessment. The webinar was attended by 56 participants.  Supporting research reforms Thanasis began his presentation by explai...

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  1645 Hits

OpenAIRE AMKE Partnership in European Commission procurement on “Managed Services for the European Open Science Cloud Platform”

We are thrilled to announce that we have been selected as a core partner in the European Commission public procurement tender titled "Managed Services for the European Open Science Cloud Platform (EOSC)". Together with our esteemed consortium, led by Athena Research & Innovation Center, the EGI Foundation, and Net Company, we will have the privilege of managing LOT1 of the procurement: Core federation services for the EOSC EU Node. This partnership will play a crucial role in driving the adv...

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  2297 Hits

GraspOS Pilot Workshop in Finland

This November, members of the GraspOS team met in Espoo, Finland for the Pilot Workshop. This workshop, hosted by the Center of Science (CSC), offered a chance for participants to gain insights into the Open Science Assessment Framework (OSAF) and what should be valued in terms of research assessment. About OSAF: OSAF is a research assessment framework developed under the GraspOS project that serves as a guide on how to conduct evaluations. The goal of the framework is to record assessments and ...

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  1479 Hits

Year in Review: PathOS

About PathOS: Launched in September 2022, PathOS is a three-year Horizon Europe project that brings together 10 partners to decode and measure the multifaceted impacts of Open Science (OS). With a focus on elucidating the causal dynamics within OS, the project caters to an audience spanning policymakers, researchers, and the wider scientific community. At its core, PathOS is about forging innovative methodologies and tools, and deepening understanding to shape impactful Open Science policies. De...

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  2013 Hits

Year in Review: SciLake

The Project: SciLake is an EU-funded research project that provides innovative and customizable services for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Its main objective is to deliver technologies that facilitate the integration of domain knowledge and open Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs) to simplify the development of valuable services tailored to specific domains. The project involves 13 partners from 9 countries, including experts in scholarly communication and domain experts from four scien...

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  1251 Hits

AI with and for Open Science

OSFAIR2023 AI for and with Open Science Panel

Background: Researchers can leverage AI algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently. Moreover, AI tools are being used to generate content, write code, resolve accessibility issues, reconfigure writing processes and detect plagiarism. All this is reshaping researcher practice and culture in how they communicate, how they share, how they view infrastructure. What's at stake: Open Science and Open Scholarly Communication cannot and should not progress unless i...

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  4800 Hits

Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) Version 1.1: Reflections from Adopters

The article, entitled "Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) Version 1.1: Reflections from Adopters" authored by Ginny Hendricks was published recently on Upstream, the open science blogging platform. The article analyses key insights and provides critical answers around the use of (POSI) Version 1.1 by adopters.  In recent years, advocates of POSI principles have consistently convened to discuss challenges encountered and positive changes implemented in their operati...

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  1572 Hits

Reflections on: SciLake Plenary Meeting

This November, the SciLake team held a plenary meeting in Barcelona to discuss the progress and future plans of the project. About SciLake: SciLake is a project funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe program. Its goal is to change how scientific knowledge is accessed and used. The project focuses on combining domain knowledge with open Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs) and creating useful added-value services for specific research areas. By doing this, SciLake aims to overcome the challe...

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  1380 Hits

Global Summit on Diamond Open Access: Advancing Equitable Scholarly Communication

From 23 to 27 October 2023, the Global Summit on Diamond Open Access was held in Toluca, Mexico, as part of International Open Access Week 2023, uniting under the theme "Community over Commercialization." The event brought together 260 participants in prensence and 422 online from 75 countries and 457 institutions, who engaged in discussions covering topics such as research infrastructure, policy, governance, sustainability, and the reform of research assessment. Under the motto "Scien...

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  1697 Hits

Building a Community of EOSC Experts in Türkiye

Α full-day training programme to a community of people from different regions of Türkiye and disciplines, but with a common goal of open science and a shared belief in the importance of EOSC.  Background: On the 17th and 18th of July 2023, the Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) hosted an EOSC Train the Trainer Workshop as part of the EOSC Future project. The workshop's main goal was to increase researchers' knowledge of EOSC and to promote the use of EOSC services and tools in Türkiye. ...

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  2645 Hits

Open Research Europe enabling innovation in open access publishing

Tuning in: The Open Science webinar organised by the representatives of OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus in June, engaged with 205 participants to inform them about the Open Research Europe (ORE) platform. The presentation was given by Dr Victoria Tsoukala, Policy Officer-Seconded National Expert- Open Access-Science Cloud - European Commission, DG RESEARCH who presented the latest developments and future plans of ORE. Dr Tsoukala started by introducing the platform and explaining the process of su...

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  2875 Hits

Open research data in Poland on the rise

The importance of research data management and sharing has been highlighted in the past few years among research communities in Poland. One of the main factors was the development and introduction of the National Science Centre's open science policy.   The National Science Centre has implemented open-access solutions with respect to research data and publications. In 2019, the agency included a Data Management Plan (DMP) in its application forms. In 2020, it adopted Open...

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  2496 Hits

EOSC National Tripartite Event in Croatia

As part of the annual SRCE DEI 2023 conference, which is also the final conference of the Croatian Scientific and Educational Cloud (HR-ZOO) national strategic project, the national tripartite meeting of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) was held. The meeting was organised with the aim of establishing national coordination of the implementation of EOSC policy and defining national priorities and needs in this area. The goal of tripartite events is to bring together key stakeholders from all...

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  2841 Hits

The first EOSC Tripartite Event was held in Hungary

The purpose of the NRDI Office Tripartite event about Open Science in Hungary was to initiate a discussion about the status of OS in Hungary, involving policy makers, researchers, and support staff. The event was hosted by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary on the 23rd of March. Around 30 people attended in person, and more than 40 followed the discussion online. Presentations were delivered in the morning, and two-panel discussions were held in the afternoon. Th...

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  2126 Hits