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OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers updated

This is to announce the draft publication of the updated OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers.As of January 31st, 2018, the updated version has been completed for the CRIS Guidelines that were originally released in July 2015. The current release is published under an RFC status.  OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers, version 1.1 Jan Dvořák, Andrea Bollini, Laurent Remy (editors)The Guidelines specify the interoperability layer between Current Research Information Systems (CRIS’s) and the...

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  1444 Hits

DI4R 2017 - Cloudy days in Brussels

From 30th November to 01st December 2017 the Digital Infrastructures for Research conference took place in Brussels, directly after the first EOSC Stakeholder Forum. Four days characterised by the discussion of the upcoming challenges and changes, which go along with the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud. The first day of the DI4R was opened by Katrin Amunts, one of the four keynote speakers, who delivered insight into the Big Data Challenge of the Human Brain Project. A lecture ...

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  2032 Hits

A new Metadata Application Profile for Literature Repositories is approaching

The OpenAIRE and formerly DRIVER-Guidelines for Content Providers have been providing orientation for repository managers to align local and regional metadata management policies for the purpose of a pan-European Open Access network realized by the OpenAIRE infrastructure. The guiding principle has been always to reuse widely established standards, such as Dublin Core, in combination with a set of controlled vocabularies, such as info:eu-repo.The scholarly record is evolving which affects how an...

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  2036 Hits

OpenAIRE Position Paper on Open Research Europe

  Introduction The European Commission recently announced plans to create "Open Research Europe" (ORE), an online platform allowing rapid, Open Access (OA) publication of Horizon 2020 related peer reviewed articles and preprints. The platform aims to be a fast, cost-effective high-quality service, with mechanisms for open review and alternative metrics. It will be a free, complimentary (i.e., non-compulsory) service for H2020 beneficiaries. In developing such a service, the EC will join a g...

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  2370 Hits

Open Access publishing in Serbia and Western Balkan Open Science Working Group

Supporting Open Access journal editors and publishers in Serbia and participating in the Western Balkan Working Group on Open Science SCIndeks is the central hub of the integrated system of quality-controlled scientific publishing in Serbia. The SCIndeks team developed guides and templates to help editorial boards of Serbian Open Access journals to comply with the "new" DOAJ inclusion criteria on publication policy and licensing. New functionalities in editor services were implemented and SCInde...

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  2760 Hits

The Czech Republic National Strategy of Open Access to Scientific Information and Data

The Czech Republic National Strategy of Open Access to Scientific Information for 2017-2020 was approved by the Government on June 14, 2017. Decree of the Government (in Czech only, no. 444) is available here. The strategy includes open access to publications and data (Data Management Plans) requirements for publicly funded research projects. Interoperable and OpenAIRE compatible open access e-Infrastructure will be built. And awareness raising and educational activities will be conducted. Accor...

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OpenAIRE's input statement at EOSC Summit, Brussels, 12 June 2017

Yesterday, 12th June 2017, the high-level European Open Science Cloud Summit took place in Brussels, Belgium. The Summit was designed to be Europe’s moment of commitment to the EOSC and to generate a number of concrete EOSC Statements for implementation. By reviewing key areas of EOSC implementation and endorsing the EOSC statements,  participants would commit to making the EOSC a reality by 2020. As a clear marker of willingness to build the EOSC as an inclusive and sustainable open commons for...

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  3562 Hits

Zenodo now supports DOI versioning!

We are pleased to announce the launch of DOI versioning support in Zenodo - the open research repository from OpenAIRE and CERN. This new feature enables users to update the record’s files after they have been made public and researchers to easily cite either specific versions of a record or to cite, via a top-level DOI, all the versions of a record.DOI versioning support was one of our most requested features for Zenodo, and it has been co-developed by OpenAIRE’s Zenodo team and EUDAT’s B2SHARE...

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The OpenAIRE-Connect Project

Post by Paolo Manghi and Franco Zoppi,  Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) On Enabling Open Science “as-a-Service” Open Science is an emerging vision, a way of thinking, whose challenges always gaze beyond its actual achievements. Today, the effective implementation of Open Science calls for a scientific communication ecosystem capable of enabling Open Science publishing principles. The ecosystem should allow research communities to...

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  2790 Hits

OpenAIRE as the basis for a European Open Access Platform

An exciting recent article on the LSE Impact Blog proposes a European Open Access Platform for research. This idea is very much in line with OpenAIRE’s mission of building a public research publication infrastructure and as such we welcome the authors’ vision. A public platform for the dissemination of research will become essential infrastructure to finally fully integrate research publishing and dissemination into the research lifecycle, rather than seeing it as an added-extra to be outsourced...

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  2642 Hits

I4OC: the new initiative for openly accessible citations

Six organisations recently announced the establishment of the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC): OpenCitations, the Wikimedia Foundation, PLOS, eLife, DataCite, and the Centre for Culture and Technology at Curtin University.OpenAIRE is proud to be amongst the initial group of 33 organisations, including The Internet Archive and Mozilla, to formally put their name behind I4OC as stakeholders in support of openly accessible citations. OpenAIRE supports and creates the social and technical bridg...

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  3778 Hits

Croatian Projects Database

Usage of the unique object identifiers is crucial for accomplishing interoperability between different web services and platforms. OpenAIRE has made great progress in linking EC funded projects with publications and research data on the EU level by indexing harvested data and making that information available through the API. In Croatia, we use this API to get the updated project information and besides the EC funded projects, we are also linking research projects by Croatian funding bodies, e.g...

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  2702 Hits

Croatian national repository system DABAR & OpenAIRE

For a small academic and research community like Croatia it is important to build national collaborative infrastructure at different levels and for different purposes. Institutional repositories are for last twenty years an important strategy for attaining open access, and provide a key infrastructure for the long-term preservation of digital materials. Apart from HRČAK repository of OA journals (with 415 OA journals) and Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI with more than 30.000 deposited fu...

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  5226 Hits

European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Pilot project launched!

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Pilot project kicked off last 17-18 January in Amsterdam. The EOSCpilot brings together about 50 partners, third-parties and subcontractors to support the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It will establish the governance framework for the EOSC and contribute to the development of European open science policy and best practice. Moreover, it will develop a number of working scientific demonstrators that show interoperability and its bene...

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  3102 Hits

2016 has been productive for OpenAIRE – check out some of the newest Data Providers (September-December 2016)

2016 has been productive for OpenAIRE! The OpenAIRE information space continues its consistent and significant growth; now includes 17,755,385 publications, 31,752 datasets from 5,843 data sources (repositories, data archives, OA journals, publication and data aggregators…). Specifically, the open access content linked to project funding information has massively increased, as well the number of OpenAIRE compatible repositories.Take a look at some data providers that have recently contributed to...

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  1567 Hits

Fair data management: best practices and open issues - 14-15 November, Florence, Italy

A two day workshop was held in Florence on November 14th -15th on  sharing, reuse, and reproducibility, curation of  research data. OpenAIRE-Italy (CNR-ISTI and NOAD) was strongly engaged in organizing the event, promoted and sponsored by RDA Europe in collaboration with the universities of Turin, Milan, Bologna, Parma and with the patronage of AISA - the Italian Association for the promotion of Open Science. In light of the FAIR principles and their recent adoption in the EC Guideline...

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  2445 Hits

New working group aims to put Scholix guidelines for data-literature integration into practice

A new working group has been formed to take data-literature linking to a new global scale - and there are great opportunities for OpenAIRE repositories.  This scholarly exchange ink xworking group, which builds on the achievements of the RDA-WDS Data Publishing WG, includes participants from infrastructure providers like CrossRef, DataCite and OpenAIRE; from publishers such as Elsevier and Springer Nature; and from data centres including Pangaea and the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.  T...

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  2755 Hits

First Digital Infrastructures for Research event held in Krakow (OpenAIRE @ DI4R2016)

From 28-30 October 2016, Europe's leading e-infrastructures joined forces for the first time to invite all researchers, developers, data practitioners and service providers to the Digital Infrastructures for Research (DI4R) event to find new ways to support and facilitate science and research across Europe. DI4R2016 was jointly organised by EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAIRE and RDA Europe, and hosted by ACC Cyfronet AGH, Kraków's academic computing centre.The event was designed with research communiti...

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  1933 Hits

OpenAIRE welcomes the European Open Science Cloud HLEG Report

The European Commission has published the first report of the High Level Expert Group on the European Open Science Cloud (HLEG EOSC). The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a new flagship European Commission initiative that aims to accelerate and support the current transition to more effective Open Science and Open Innovation in the Digital Single Market. It should enable trusted access to services, systems and the re-use of shared scientific data across disciplinary, social and geographical...

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  2371 Hits

2016 Chinese Institutional Repository Conference and launch of the new repository group in China, CHAIR

The 4th annual Chinese Institutional Repository Conference took place in Chongqing, China on September 21-22, 2016, with the theme of “Rich functions and extended roles for institutional repositories”. The conference was jointly organized by National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and CIRG (Chinese institutional repository implementation group), and Chongqing University Library. It attracted over 330 registered participants, reflecting the growing interest in repositories in ...

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  3109 Hits