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The largest Polish scientific collection reaches half a million scientific articles

Over half a million articles are now available in the Library of Science, the largest open access scientific collection in Poland. An online event was organized to mark this achievement by the Open Science Platform based at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (University of Warsaw), responsible also for the OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk in Poland. The Library of Science is available at: The Library of Science is a critical el...

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CHIST-ERA announced the publication of the Call ORD

The CHIST-ERA consortium has created a common funding instrument to support transnational projects. Through this instrument, the national/regional funding organisations of CHIST-ERA support and join the Horizon Europe Open Science agenda. By launching joint calls, they can support more diverse communities, who are able to tackle the most challenging and novel Open Science topics.This call concerns the following topic:Open & Re-usable Research Data & Software (ORD) The challenges and prom...

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OpenAIRE Research Graph: data dump of funded products

Identifying the research products (research literature, data, software, and other types of research products) that are funded by research projects and funders is key to realizing research impact or research trend analysis tools. The OpenAIRE Research Graph ( builds and openly publishes one of the largest dataset of product-project-funder links by harvesting metadata from data sources that comply with the OpenAIRE Guidelines (e.g., repositories, publishers); or by full-t...

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Celebrating RECOLECTA's 15th anniversary

 A post event summary  The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has celebrated in Madrid the 15th anniversary of RECOLECTA with a national event for the repositories' community. RECOLECTA is the national harvester of Open Access repositories that aggregates 167 repositories and includes more than 2,5M documents and 28.000 datasets. RECOLECTA provides the Spanish community of repositories with metadata certification services based on OpenAIRE's guidelines, metadata enri...

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Updates in the PROVIDE dashboard to display the Terms of Use

The Terms of Use for Content Providers (ToU) are now displayed in the PROVIDE Dashboard interface. In order to be more transparent and to display more clearly the ToU to data source managers who are using the PROVIDE service, the Dashboard interface was updated to display the options to accept the ToU and to agree to the re-use of full texts. 

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Discussions on Open Science in Hungary

In 2021, important discussions began on Open Science among various stakeholders from research, university leadership and policy-making areas in Hungary. From May 28th, 2021, the University of Debrecen University and National Library (UDUNL) and Governmental Agency for IT Development (KIFÜ) host online events regularly to keep up the conversation on national Open Science practices, the benefits of FAIR research data management and the importance of collaborative science in the Hungarian research ...

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OpenAIRE guidelines for data source managers ensure compatibility of the Horizon Europe Open Science requirements

Regarding European Commission (EC) funding projects, OpenAIRE provides instructions on how to expose the projects information metadata through the Guidelines for datasource managers (, now including Horizon Europe (HE) projects. By following the OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature, institutional, and thematic Repositories it is ensured that metadata specifications from the Horizon Europe (HE) Open Science requirements are met. To this end, OpenAIRE started by updat...

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Argos automates the writing of DMPs

What's the hype? This new version of Argos goes one step further with repository integrations. It uses Zenodo to automatically retrieve information regarding the findability and accessibility of deposited datasets and allocates them as answers to the respective questions of Argos DMPs. Why it matters: This version fosters the engagement of researchers with data management as it guarantees less effort to manage data through their Argos DMPs. Moreover, it accentuates the value of Argos as a s...

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EnerMaps: A useful online tool for energy professionals

Contributing to the EU digital strategy The EnerMaps tool is ready to be used by energy professionals! The EnerMaps team will present the online tool, its functionalities, the development behind and the barriers to centralising energy data on Thursday 7 April 2022 from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM CEST online. All the partners, including OpenAIRE, will be present to answer questions about any aspect of the project and get feedback on it. Meet the EnerMaps Team In their latest video, the EnerMaps team intr...

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Open Science Observatory

OpenAIRE Open Science Observatory

Understanding the European open science landscape   The Open Science Observatory ( is an OpenAIRE platform showcasing a collection of indicators and visualisations that help policy makers and research administrators better understand the Open Science landscape in Europe, across and within countries.   The broader context: As the number of Open Science mandates have been increasing across countries and scientific fields, so has the need to track Op...

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The development of open research data repositories in Poland

Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw (ICM) has developed three data repositories open for researchers from various research fields and countries.  Services were created as part of the project "Disciplinary Open Research Data Repositories" that was aimed at enhancing access to academic resources by making them available in dedicated research data repositories allowing for open data sharing (more about the project:

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Slovenia: open science in the new Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act

A new Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act came into force in Slovenia with the beginning of 2022, which also contains provisions regarding open science. The latter is mentioned in Articles 2(6), 12(2) - items 2 and 9, 16, 20, and 31. Articles 40-42 are completely dedicated to open science.The Act was drafted with high support of stakeholders and brings many important solutions. It will enable the development of high-quality and globally comparable scientific research, improve fundi...

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  4280 Hits

Open Science Monitoring: a strategic priority for OpenAIRE

Monitoring the progress of Open Science is one of the five strategic priorities for OpenAIRE identified by the Open Science Strategies Standing Committee (OSS SC) in early 2021. written by Eloy Rodrigues, Director of the University of Minho Libraries and OpenAIRE Executive Board Member Recognizing the increasing importance of the topic and the growing number of initiatives related to monitoring being developed at institutional, regional, national, European and global levels, the OSS SC...

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  3558 Hits

Open Science and Scholarly Communication in Greece

Amplifying understanding and building capacity through synergies "Unity is strength". This is the underlying principle that governs the alliance of two Greek OpenAIRE members, 'Athena' Research Center (NOAD) and 'HEAL-Link' - the consortium of academic libraries -, that work towards the wide adoption of OS policies and the alignment of the national context with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).  The two organizations shared the activities, experiences and results of their fruitful coo...

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Open science for AI-driven Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy

Cecilia Cabello is the Director of Operations in the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, FECYT, an institution dependent on the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Cecilia is the Project Coordinator of IntelComp, a H2020 project where OpenAIRE is a partner, that delivers innovative big data, AI-driven methods for policy making in the Research and Innovation sector. Could you briefly describe what the aim of IntelComp is? I...

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EXPLORE: Search Open Science scholarly works

OpenAIRE Explore makes available the OpenAIRE Research Graph for discovery, access and enhancement.
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OpenOrgs: Bridging registries of research organisations

OpenOrgs is a new tool created to solve a long-standing problem: the disambiguation of organizations variously involved in the research process. In particular OpenOrgs addresses the ambiguity affecting the information aggregated by OpenAIRE from different research organization registries (e.g. ROR, EC) and populating the OpenAIRE Research Graph.

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OpenCitations for Open Science

OpenCitations is an independent not-for-profit infrastructure for open scholarship dedicated to publication of open bibliographic and citation data by the use of Semantic Web technologies. It provides more than one billion citations data which can be reused for any purpose and can be accessed via SPARQL endpoints, REST APIs, and that can be downloaded in bulk. 

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ARGOS: Create, Link and Share Data Management Plans

ARGOS is an open platform for Data Management Planning (DMP), supporting researchers to meet Research Data Management policies and practices in the research workflow. The name "ARGOS" derives from Greek mythology and recalls both the hundred-eyed giant, Argus Panoptes, and Argus (Argonaut) builder of Argos, a solid but rapid ship crossing the Mediterranean.

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CONNECT: Engage with your community

OpenAIRE CONNECT ( is a service that enables research communities to build on-demand, personalised Research Community Gateways to support researcher's needs at sharing, publishing and discovering research according to the Open Science practices.

Research Community Gateways foster transparent evaluation of results and facilitate reproducibility of science for research communities by enabling a scientific communication ecosystem supporting exchange of research products (publications, data, software, methods) and links between them across communities and across content providers.

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  1887 Hits