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HR-OOZ: Croatian Open Science Cloud Initiative ceremonially marked the beginning of its activities

HR-OOZ, the Croatian Open Science Cloud Initiative ceremonially marked the beginning of its activities on September 3rd, 2021 at the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia. Founding members of HR-OOZ received the relative signed Memorandum of Understanding from Prof. Radovan Fuchs, PhD, Minister of Science and Education.  The ceremony was followed by the constitutive session of the Council of the HR-OOZ Initiative, which marked the first step towards the development of...

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  2077 Hits

CROSBI indexed in OpenAIRE Explore

As part of the activities of the Centre for Scientific Information of the Ruđer Bošković Institute in the Horizon 2020 project OpenAIRE Advance, the Croatian Scientific Bibliography - CROSBI has been upgraded and is now aligned with the latest OpenAIRE interoperability guidelines (v. 4.0). With that, CROSBI became the first Croatian data infrastructure at the highest level aligned with the prescribed guidelines, and the records from CROSBI are now also available through OpenAIRE Explore. As part of the OpenAIRE guidelines, the publicly available OAI-PMH database is implemented in CROSBI, through which metadata records can be collected in accordance with the defined guidelines. 

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  1677 Hits

Amnesia Seminar: anonymization of data with guarantees

 In June 30th, an Amnesia open to all seminar was organised, where participants could experience and learn how anonymization of data is performed with it. Organisers  'Athena' Research Center, as part of the activities of the OpenAIRE NOAD in Greece, supported and launched this informative and educational online seminar, in support of research activities relevant to the coronavirus disease. This seminar run in collaboration with the OpenAIRE NOAD in Cyprus.  Short description The ...

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  3153 Hits

The launch of the new Library of Science website in Poland

Over 320 people from Poland and around the world participated in the launch event of the Library of Science organized on June 15, 2021. The new website was inaugurated as part of the 'Platform of Polish Scientific Publications' project by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw (ICM UW).  The Library of Science - the new version of the platform An introductory speech was given by Marek Michalewicz, director of ICM UW, who presented the...

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Adaptation of FAIR Data Maturity Model indicators in Validator

OpenAIRE is working to adapt the FAIR RDA Data Maturity Model indicators in our OpenAIRE Validator. The Validator is available to every logged-in user via the PROVIDE dashboard and is intended to provide an impression of the FAIRness of their repository. The FAIR Maturity Model Indicators, as core criteria to assess the implementation level of the FAIR (Data) principles, implemented in the OpenAIRE Validator, aims to offer to the datasource managers, a way to assess the implementation of FAIR (D...

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  4152 Hits

An overview of content providers registered in OpenAIRE

OpenAIRE PROVIDE allows for registration of content providers that are compatible with OpenAIRE guidelines. By registering in OpenAIRE, content providers are becoming a building block of a global Open Research community, a gateway to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Over the years several repositories have joined OpenAIRE, contributing to build the OpenAIRE Research Graph, which collects metadata records from more than 70K scholarly communication sources from all over the world, including...

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  3115 Hits

Tools for legal issues in Research Data Management

Background: In the framework of the NI4OS-Europe project, ATHENA Research and Innovation Center (ATHENA) developed tools that respond to emerging Open and FAIR Research Data Management (RDM) demands of researchers and provide a first set of clarity for EOSC resource providers' compliance with the Rules of Participation (RoP). NI4OS-Europe is the European project that supports the development and inclusion of National Open Science Cloud Initiatives (NOSCIs) in 15 south-east european member states...

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  3854 Hits

OpenAIRE Research Graph: An intelligent gateway to scholarly communication

The OpenAIRE Research Graph is gradually becoming a key asset of OpenAIRE. We are investing a lot of effort in its development and improvement. Quality, inclusiveness, transparency and open governance are key in our thinking, but underneath all, there is a huge ongoing technical effort for making it robust and usable for discovery and monitoring. Many of our users are asking us to know more about what the graph is about? Why do we need one and what does OpenAIRE Graph bring in? We listened ...

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  6688 Hits

COVID-19: Greek collaborations on infrastructures and Galaxy installation for data analysis to detect mutations

The focus: Athena Research Center (ARC) continues the series of informative and educational workshops related to important practices, tools and contact points for COVID-19 research in Greece. In December, a joint workshop on Galaxy, the infrastructure for biological data analysis was organised with the Biomedical Sciences Research Center "Alexander Fleming" and the Institute of Applied Biosciences of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas. The workshop informed about the Greek Node of the...

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  3198 Hits

COVID-19: Open Science and Innovation in the Greek research area

Driver: The need to collect all efforts and knowledge in managing the coronavirus crisis and widely promote it to the Greek academic and research community was identified at the very beginning of the pandemic, back in April. As a response, Athena Research & Innovation Center (Athena RC) initiated a series of informative and educational online workshops to support research performed around COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, Athena RC developed a dedicated website that serves as an extensib...

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  3937 Hits

Kicking off the fourth series of OpenAIRE webinars in Greece during Open Access Week

Context: The National Open Access Desk in Greece participated in the activities of the Open Access Week 2020 by organising a webinar on research data management. The webinar was equally supported by the Library and Information Center (LIC) of the University of Patras. Presentations and discussions focused on the latest developments on research data services and tools in Greece. The webinar marked the beginning of the new series of informative and practical OpenAIRE webinars in Greece.

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  2367 Hits

DMPs for Research Communities: Argos for ARIADNEplus

Context: A collaboration between OpenAIRE and ARIADNEplus started in April. The occasion was mutual interest to explore each other's Data Management Planning (DMP) products capabilities and exchange know-how that would complement current work and accelerate new advancements.

The products: Products involved in that effort are Argos, OpenAIRE's machine-actionable data management planning tool, and ARIADNEplus DMP template for archaeological research.

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  4053 Hits

Implementing OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers “Lessons Learned” by the Dutch aggregator NARCIS Portal

In the context of the Horizon 2020 project OpenAIRE Advance, the institute DANS (Data archiving and Networked Services) in the Netherlands implemented the OpenAIRE CRIS/CERIF Guidelines using a CRIS on a national level: NARCIS Portal. This blog describes the "lessons learned" during the technical implementation of the OpenAIRE (OA) CERIF-XML profile for CRIS managers into the NARCIS domain. This implementation has been part of Subtask 6.1.2. Interoperability - Connecting with CRIS-CERIF. In gene...

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  5238 Hits

Webinar “NARCIS PID Graph - PID graph of the Dutch research landscape”

  Connecting and enriching information in the national portal NARCIS The National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System (NARCIS) hosted by Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) is a portal that collects and disseminates information about scientific work in the Netherlands. Within the EU-funded FREYA project, the use of persistent identifiers (PIDs) in NARCIS has been extended and innovated to connect and integrate research information making it more visible to ...

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  3812 Hits

An interactive webinar about the Open Research Gateway for ELIXIR-GR Infrastructure

Background: Following a successful cooperation between the OpenAIRE Greek NOAD and the ELIXIR-GR Node, a webinar was organised to present the ELIXIR-GR Open Research Gateway both to the ELIXIR-GR research community and to Health Science librarians. The Research Gateways are part of the OpenAIRE Connect service and serve as portals that collect and distribute in one single entry point all research artefacts produced by a given discipline/community, including various services and tools. Agend...

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  3281 Hits

Improve service to meet researcher needs

Despite insufficient funds, it is apparent that an increasing number of Serbian researchers are publishing in fee-based OA journals. In 2019, the University of Belgrade conducted a survey to establish the amount of APCs paid to the publishers, and the funding sources of the APCs. The following two actions were taken to address the findings of the survey:University of Belgrade has joined OpenAPC portal (with data) RCUB ProRef service has been upgraded, and now includes information about APC ...

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  2323 Hits

Austrian Universities: funding for new projects – tender for digital and social transformation

Digital and Social Transformation in Higher Education

In the course of the call for tender, "Digital and Social Transformation in Higher Education", which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung - BMBWF), all Austrian public universities and various other educational institutions were able to apply and submit their project ideas. The offered funding was set high with 50 million euros in total, until 2024.

35 projects were approved, the Vienna University (VU) will be part of 14. 

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  4443 Hits

Implementation of the OpenAIRE-CRIS-CERIF Guidelines in DSpace-CRIS

Supported by OpenAIRE, 4Science has implemented the most recent version of the OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers in the open-source repository software DSpace-CRIS, which extends the DSpace repository platform by research data and information management.   Today, we already count more than 100 DSpace-CRIS installations running at research institutions across Europe. Which emphasizes the potential when making their rich research information interlinked and findable in OpenAIRE. The main ...

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  6326 Hits

Online RDM workshop in Slovenia

The RDA Node Slovenia and collaborating infrastructures and institutions were organizing a workshop on research data management (RDM), to take place on 11 March 2020 at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. Due to the fast progression of the coronavirus, one day before the workshop was due, the decision was made to carry it out online. Presentations​ and recordings in Slovenian are available from the programme.The workshop programme delivered presentations on:RDM recommendations and guid...

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  3226 Hits

Research Data Management e-course

Introduction In Estonia, the University of Tartu Library and the UT Natural History Museum have collaborated for a long time. Natural scientists initiated the university's joining of the DataCite in 2014 to provide DOIs for research data and register the metadata of datasets. It is essential for a researcher to be visible in academia and to get citations and recognition for all parts of their work.  Since that time, the UT Library has been developing research data services and the instituti...

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  4923 Hits