This blog post is first in a series of blogs describing RDM support activities in participating institutions. The series is produced by the Taskforce OpenAIRE: Institutional RDM support.Support Services Preparations for building a solid Research Data Management (RDM) support started more than ten years ago at the University of Helsinki. In an early project at the life sciences campus researchers and library staff presented and discussed data related workflows and possible solutions for data man...
The Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana and OpenAIRE-Advance National Open Access Desk organized a conference on open science within the 10th Academic Book Fair.Open science aspects were presented by distinguished international experts, Slovenian high-level officials and experts chaired the presentations and discussion:Open science in the European Research Area – speaker Dr Dr René von Schomberg, Head of the Open Science Unit, Directorate-General for Research and Innovat...
Background and importance: Part of the Open Science webinar series running in collaboration of the Greek and Cypriot OpenAIRE NOADs, this webinar focused on Data Stewardship. With data management services and practices to be at a primary stage of developments at the University level in Greece and Cyprus, it seemed as a good opportunity to introduce the concept/role of data stewards to the library and to the research community, providing an understanding of duties and position within the Universi...
On the 2nd and 3rd of April, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Library hosted two events: FOSTER Open Science Trainer Bootcamp for librarians from Lithuanian research libraries and Open Data Workshop on Writing Data Management Plans for doctoral students at KTU. This was not the first time the hosts welcomed FOSTER training events at Kaunas University of Technology: a series of events under the title "Promoting Open Science among Young Researchers: Challenges and Opportunities" with numerous...
The occasion: The series of the Greek and Cypriot NOADs webinars on Open Science aim to keep the academic and research community in Greece and Cyprus up-to-date and in sync with European developments and trends as well as support their open research endeavours. The need for GDPR literacy: The webinars have proven to be a good practice also for getting a better understanding of national community needs. Of the most popular areas where researchers, innovators and libraries seek advise is the Gener...
⏪Flashback: A series of OpenAIRE webinars on vital Open Science issues was initiated last year in collaboration between the Greek and Cypriot NOADs. The specificity of these webinars is that they are conducted in the greek language in an attempt to engage more librarians and researchers with particular aspects of open and responsible research conduct. This activity is expected to, and has actually had already a positive effect, in cultivating change in research culture and in familiarising...
Authors: Paula Maria Martinez Lavanchy (ORCID), Technical University of Denmark and Asger Væring Larsen (ORCID), University Library of Southern Denmark A lab notebook is one of the most elementary records of research – at least in some disciplines. In a lab notebook, the researcher records all kinds of project related information – from hypothesis to results of experiments. The way a paper lab notebook is structured differs from discipline to discipline and from lab to lab. But, it often serves ...
The OpenUP project on “OPENing UP new methods, indicators and tools for peer review, impact measurement and dissemination of research results” held its final conference in Brussels on 5-6 September 2018. The three project topics were discussed from different aspects, including gender, thereby reflecting Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), which promotes an open and gender sensitive science ecosystem, sharing information among researchers, innovative industries and citizens. The OpenUP pro...
The Swiss Research Data Day on 12 June 2018 at ETH Zurich was organised by the Swiss research data management project DLCM and supported by the OpenAIRE2020 NOAD in Switzerland.There has been a data deluge in the research sector in recent years, accompanied by an increasing tendency to allow the scientific community access to original research data and the procedures used in order to enable study results to be fully reproduced. The management of research data is far from a straightforward issue,...
The EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE-Advance projects offer a wide portfolio of research and collaboration tools, available to scientists across the world. These include services for data storage and management, cloud and HTC compute resources and tools to facilitate and support the transition to Open Science publishing workflows, in respect of reproducibility and transparent evaluation of science. Over the next three years, the two projects will be working closely to integrate their services to provide co...
Check out recent activities and future developmentsSoon after the release of the Open Science Training Handbook, an interesting resource that provides theoretical notions and practical guidance on how to organize open science training, and the Roadmap for Implementing Open Science Training Practices in Research Institutions, an important advocacy resource, the FOSTER Plus project organised the FOSTER Open Science Trainer Bootcamp.The goal of this event was to further develop the participan...
Kickstart your ORCID ID! OpenAIRE NOAD in Serbia has released a set of brief video tutorials about ORCID IDs. The video's are in Serbian and should be understood throughout the Western Balkans. They are intended for all those who (still) do not have ORCID profiles, but they may also be useful for registered ORCID users who have not fully set up their profiles. [embed][/embed] Each topic is e...
The Czech Republic National Strategy of Open Access to Scientific Information for 2017-2020 was approved by the Government on June 14, 2017. Decree of the Government (in Czech only, no. 444) is available here. The strategy includes open access to publications and data (Data Management Plans) requirements for publicly funded research projects. Interoperable and OpenAIRE compatible open access e-Infrastructure will be built. And awareness raising and educational activities will be conducted. Accor...
OpenAIRE, ScienceOpen and Digital-science (with their portfolio companies Figshare and Overleaf), have teamed up to organise an OpenCon ‘satellite’ event to be held in Berlin on the 24-26th November.This event will form one of the many international satellite events of the main OpenCon 2016 conference that will take place two weeks earlier in Washington, DC.OpenCon is the student and early career academic professional conference that focuses on Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data. It seek...
I have a bit of data that I want to analyse (on differing definitions of open peer review, since you ask) and thought this would be a great place to get started with R. Since I'm a complete novice though (with no background in stats at all), I turned to the Twitter hivemind to ask which tutorials people would recommend. And as usual, my question brought a ton of great suggestions. Demonstrations of the "kindness of strangers" like this are really one of the things that makes Twitter such a revel...