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Case study in sensitive data: FAIR4Health

This blog post is authored by S. Venkataraman (DCC) in the framework of the RDM task force's "Data Reuse" working group. Introduction  Not all data can be easily reused, if at all. These usually arise from sources that need to maintain confidentiality based on a number of factors that could lead to the identification of individuals or other sensitive information. In these cases, different measures need to be taken to ensure the protection of identities. Meanwhile, the FAIR princip...

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  6148 Hits

New Handbook on research data management for Croatian researchers

The University Computing Centre of the University of Zagreb SRCE has published a Handbook on research data management entitled "Research data - what to do with it?" that provides instructions on how to manage research data for efficient sharing and reuse in accordance with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. The handbook is suitable for students, librarians and anyone interested in the topic of research data management, and it is publicly available (in Croatian).&nbs...

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  2745 Hits

Data Librarian Training in Vienna

Digital change and the rapid developments in the information sector and the area of research data management are creating new challenges and fields of activity. Continuous increase in the amount and complexity of data can be observed - specifically in scientific research fields, research communities as well as research support services at universities and university libraries. Accordingly, there is a clear need for further education and training. In order to meet the new requirements, Data Libra...

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  3800 Hits

The OpenAIRE Good Practice Exchange at the SUB Göttingen

The blog post is authored by all participants to the GPE programme: Jiří Marek, Gina Pavone, Ajia Uzula and Obrad Vučkovac  The Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) was founded in 1734, two years before the University of Göttingen. The SUB is one of the first research libraries in Germany and in Europe, pioneering cataloguing systems in the past and, nowadays, intensively working to offer up to date services to students and researchers. The OpenAIRE Good P...

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  5013 Hits

Exploring new synergies for Digital Skills: Introducing OpenAIRE/EOSC to the Greek National Digital Skills & Jobs Coalition

Background: Digital and Open Science skills are key into EOSC's operations and future, and the upskilling of researchers and research support staff is therefore essential for its success. A culture change for sharing research outcomes, policy awareness, and compliance and knowledge of ICT is needed to empower individuals and institutions to develop and maintain EOSC competences science and capabilities. Why are synergies important: Digital skills are needed everywhere, not just in EOSC. In parti...

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  3713 Hits

New educational website on FAIR research data released

On the 3rd of July 2020 a new website was released which takes a deep dive into the practicalities of making FAIR research data. The site is conceived as a blended learning resource targeted at researchers in all disciplines and the goal is to show how they can make their own research data more FAIR through real life examples from the Humanities, Social, Natural, and Health Sciences. The site is based on written explanations garnished with video testimonials from 9 different researchers and scie...

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  5425 Hits

Use cases of Institutional RDM Support - OpenAIRE blog series

June 2020, Ellen Leenarts on behalf of the team How do universities organise their institutional Research Data Management Support? When starting to ponder this task a lot of questions may arise. Is Research Data Management Support a separate division or more a kind of network of experts? What kind of support is provided? Is there group training involved,1:1 guidance, or is there a set of tools offered. And how do researchers get to know about the RDM support offered? The OpenAIRE task force on R...

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  4877 Hits

Report: OpenAIRE Legal Policy webinars

This blog is an adaptation of a blogpost first published on the CREATe (UK Copyright and Creative Economy Centre, University of Glasgow) blog. Thanks to CREATe's PhD students Methinee Suwannakit, Zihao Li and Jiarong Zhang for collecting the notes used to prepare this blog.                                                                &n...

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  3851 Hits

Strengthening Research Data Management practices in Portugal

Portugal has been making an effort to develop information and capacity building initiatives for the different stakeholders in best practices and sharing of research data. This intention has already been expressed itself in several ways, through reports from the Working Group for National Open Science Policy, which recommended the urgent need to promote and enhance the skills of researchers, with regard to research data management and sharing research data, and throu...

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  3947 Hits

Austrian Universities: funding for new projects – tender for digital and social transformation

Digital and Social Transformation in Higher Education

In the course of the call for tender, "Digital and Social Transformation in Higher Education", which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung - BMBWF), all Austrian public universities and various other educational institutions were able to apply and submit their project ideas. The offered funding was set high with 50 million euros in total, until 2024.

35 projects were approved, the Vienna University (VU) will be part of 14. 

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  4443 Hits

Research Data Management e-course

Introduction In Estonia, the University of Tartu Library and the UT Natural History Museum have collaborated for a long time. Natural scientists initiated the university's joining of the DataCite in 2014 to provide DOIs for research data and register the metadata of datasets. It is essential for a researcher to be visible in academia and to get citations and recognition for all parts of their work.  Since that time, the UT Library has been developing research data services and the instituti...

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  4923 Hits

Lessons learned reviewing H2020 DMPs

 The DCC first ran DMP training courses for European Commission project officers in 2016. We'd been invited in by the Research Executive Agency as reviewing Data Management Plans was new to many and REA staff wanted some guidance on how to assess these deliverables. The courses were very popular, so we added an extended series into the FOSTER open science training project workplan, with Gwen Franck, Eloy Rodrigues and Iryna Kuchma (OpenAIRE/FOSTER) regularly joining myself, Martin Donn...

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  3521 Hits

Good Practice Exchange at Bielefeld University - People of OpenAIRE

The "Good Practice Exchange" (GPE) program of OpenAIRE is aimed to support National Open Access Desks colleagues (NOADs) and consortium members in 2020 to visit another consortium partner to exchange and learn about Open Science aspects, such as "Embedding Open Science Practices", "Open Science Policy and its Practical Alignment in an Institutional Context", "National Coordination of Open Science and Research Data Management", and "Repository Operation and Metadata Management Best Practices".Bie...

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  4232 Hits

Open Science Workshop, Ljubljana, 23 January 2020

The workshop was organized by the Commission for Research and Development Work of the University of Ljubljana and the Slovenian OpenAIRE-Advance National Open Access Desk. The programme, presentations and videos are available at the Open Science Archived Events webpage. The workshop opened with an overview of open science and presentations of the latest activities on (super)computing in Slovenia. Then a representative of the FAIRsFAIR project presented FAIR assessment of research data, and a rep...

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  5070 Hits

OpenAIRE Barcamp: what happens in Paris… now you know it, too!

 How it all started: It is a tradition for the Open Science Conference in Berlin to complement its programme with an un-conference convention, the "Barcamp". During that time, professionals, experts and enthusiasts get together for a day to discuss Open Science issues that are relevant to their field of study or interests in an informal way, meaning that there are no presentations or lectures involved. The programme is formed on the day, the participants are the ones who propose topics for ...

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  5297 Hits

Towards research data management support in Lithuania

On the 30th of October, 2019, the workshop "Getting Started with Research Data Management Support" welcomed university managers, research support, administrative support staff and librarians to Kaunas University of Technology. The workshop was given by Dr Marta Teperek, Data Stewardship Coordinator at TU Delft in the Netherlands, Dr Ir Santosh Ilamparuthi, Data Steward at TU Delft and Dr Ir Shalini Kurapati, Senior Research Fellow of Open Science at the Politecnico di Torino in Italy. The questi...

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  4153 Hits

The Open Access Escape Room: a game as a way of reaching out?

This year our usual practices of celebrating the Open Access Week at Kaunas University of Technology in Kaunas, Lithuania, took a different turn: in addition to promoting the OpenAIRE webinars, the initiative of setting up an escape room was brought to life. Rasa Dovidonytė, Senior Information Manager at KTU Library, followed the instructions by Katrine Sundsbø, the Scholarly Communications and Research Support Manager at the University of Essex, on how to set up the Open Access Escape Room (htt...

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  4086 Hits

Open Access Week in Slovakia

During Open Access week in Slovakia we organized two events. On 22.10 we had webinar "Open science is here for you" on the basics of open science and how to get involved. Around 40 people attended from all over Slovakia.  On 24.10.2019 we organized OpenAIRE workshop "Open Access: its opportunities and challenges" with 4 speakers. During the workshop participants could play a quiz about Open Science (topics were Open Access, CC Licenses, Open Data, Predatory Publishing and Plan S). ​Time ​​O...

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  3047 Hits

Software and Open Science: knowing the best practices

Open Science webinars in Greek - v1: On Thursday 06 June, the Greek and Cypriot OpenAIRE NOADs ended their first round of collaborative webinars around Open Science with a presentation on good practices for developing software in the area of open research. In focus: Open Software has gained importance in the field of Science. The demand for open solutions is being increased as researchers realize the benefits of more contributions and collaborations to software development, especially in fast ev...

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  5711 Hits

OpenAIRE Workshop on Open Access publishing of research results addressed to young and senior researchers in Bucharest, Romania

On the 13th of June, 2019, UEFISCDI (Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding -, as OpenAIRE NOAD in Romania, has organized at the National University of Political Science and Public Administration (SNSPA -, a workshop addressed to both young and more experienced researchers on the following subject: Open Access Publishing of Research Results. The event aimed to equip participants with knowledge and skills rega...

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  3453 Hits