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PathOS Project Workshop: Open Science Monitoring and Research Libraries

The PathOS project contributed to the LIBER Conference 2024 by hosting a workshop focused on "Open Science Monitoring and Research Libraries." The workshop highlighted the crucial role that research libraries and librarians play in advancing Open Science. The workshop was led by Antonia Correia and Pedro Principe from the University of Minho, and Tereza Simova from OpenAIRE. They provided an overview of the PathOS project's goals, the PathOS Open Science Resources Hub, Handbook of Open Science I...

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  1512 Hits

Embracing Digital Responsibility at Creating Knowledge 2024: OpenAIRE and the Treasure Hunt

The Creating Knowledge 2024 conference, held from 5-7 June 2024 at the University of Helsinki, focused on "Think Before You Click: Responsibility in the Digital Information Landscape" exploring themes of digital literacy, AI in education, and open education practices. OpenAIRE's presence was integral to the conference, emphasizing its mission to promote Open Science and responsible digital practices. OpenAIRE's tools and services, such as the OpenAIRE Graph, were showcased to support researchers...

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  876 Hits

Introducing ARGOS to the Greek and Cypriot research communities

Closing the year: The last webinar of the OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus collaboration series for 2023 focused on the importance of Data Management Plans (DMPs) and their creation in ARGOS. The webinar was attended by 150 participants who had the opportunity to discuss their questions directly with Elli Papadopoulou, OpenAIRE NOAD in Greece and product manager of ARGOS.  Significance In the first part of the presentation, Elli shared the value of DMPs in Research Data Management (RDM) clarif...

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  1009 Hits

Open Science in Horizon Europe Webinar Recap

The Event: On 16 November 2023, we hosted our recurring webinar focused on the Horizon Europe Open Science requirements, which we organise three times a year. The webinar was a success, with 379 attendees out of 659 registrations. The vast majority (81%) of attendees attended the whole duration of the presentation (60 minutes), and many (59%) also stayed for the entire Q&A (90 minutes). We received a total of 54 questions from researchers (25% of attendees) and research-support sta...

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  1560 Hits

Webinar on how to use OpenAIRE to search interlinked scientific results

New Season: The representatives of OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus held a successful webinar focused on the discovery of Open Science scientific results. They invited Konstantina Galouni, product manager in OpenAIRE, and George Papanikos, CTO of CITE, to inform the Greek and Cypriot academic and research communities about OpenAIRE Explore service and Open Science Lens web application. The webinar was attended by 178 Greek and Cypriot researchers, students, academic staff and librarians. ...

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  1320 Hits

Open Research Europe enabling innovation in open access publishing

Tuning in: The Open Science webinar organised by the representatives of OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus in June, engaged with 205 participants to inform them about the Open Research Europe (ORE) platform. The presentation was given by Dr Victoria Tsoukala, Policy Officer-Seconded National Expert- Open Access-Science Cloud - European Commission, DG RESEARCH who presented the latest developments and future plans of ORE. Dr Tsoukala started by introducing the platform and explaining the process of su...

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Workshop on "Internationalization of the Armenian Science: Challenges and Solutions"

Today it is nearly impossible to conduct high-quality research and gain competitive results in science by fencing off from the international scientific community. From this point of view one of the main challenges for the Armenian scientific community is the issue of internationalization.  One of the ways to achieve this goal is by joining the Open science movement (OSM) which could not only help to boost the scientific collaboration with foreign peers but also to increase the visibility of...

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  2037 Hits

French National OpenAIRE Workshop: the new era of OpenAIRE

About: On Friday 2nd July 2021, the French NOAD organized a half-day event to present to the French scientific community the advancements of the OpenAIRE organization as well as inform about its core Open Science services. Invited speakers contributed with presentations and discussions with the audience. Moreover, the workshop highlighted how services are used in practice by other projects or initiatives who shared their experiences and ongoing work. The workshop, also, provided a clear view abo...

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Embedding Amnesia, OpenAIRE’s free and open-source software, in COVID-19 research workflows to enable secure processing and sharing of sensitive data

Background: Since the beginning of the pandemic, 'ΑΤΗΕΝΑ' Research Center has been active in communicating best practices and achievements from the national and European R&I ecosystems to the Greek academic and research communities. To maximize the impact of this effort for the benefit of researchers and health practitioners, the OpenAIRE Greek NOAD has been collaborating with national stakeholders and initiatives from different domains (e.g. SSH, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Public Man...

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Change of research assessment needed

On 27 November 2020, the Consultation on Changing the Research Assessment was organised in Slovenia by the OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk and the Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts. It was attended by 289 participants via Zoom and YouTube. Presentations and recordings are available from the programme or as a YouTube playlist.

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  2582 Hits

In the crystal ball: report from the Swedish webinar on the future of Open Science in Europe

"It is great being able to participate without travelling, but it's tiresome to sit in a webinar meeting for half a day." Our participants were mostly happy with the program offered, but had some objections and some ideas for making it better next time. We had 171 registered participants, mostly from university libraries in Sweden, but also other research stakeholders both in Sweden and the Nordic countries. We had four presentations and a group discussion at the end. Liber's President, Jeannett...

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  2524 Hits

Open Science: The Future of Scholarly Communication

The University of Malta Library, in collaboration with OpenAIRE, are organising an online seminar entitled: Open Science: The Future of Scholarly Communication, on Wednesday, 24th February 2021 via zoom.

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OpenAIRE Week Portugal - Open Science in practice

The Documentation and Library Services of the University of Minho will promote the OpenAIRE week Portugal, from February 22nd to 26th, focused on sharing the results and services of OpenAIRE Open Science infrastructure, as well as its contributions to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) developments.

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  2552 Hits

COVID-19: Greek collaborations on infrastructures and Galaxy installation for data analysis to detect mutations

The focus: Athena Research Center (ARC) continues the series of informative and educational workshops related to important practices, tools and contact points for COVID-19 research in Greece. In December, a joint workshop on Galaxy, the infrastructure for biological data analysis was organised with the Biomedical Sciences Research Center "Alexander Fleming" and the Institute of Applied Biosciences of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas. The workshop informed about the Greek Node of the...

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  3149 Hits

Research Data Management: OpenAIRE National Workshop in Poland (2nd part)

The second part of the OpenAIRE National Open Access Workshop took place in Poland on November 25, 2020. The aim of the event was to discuss themes around institutional support for research data management. After the welcoming words from Jakub Szprot who is responsible for managing the work of the Open Science Platform at Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM UW), Natalia Gruenpeter presented the activities of the OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk and Wojcie...

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  3213 Hits

COVID-19: Open Science and Innovation in the Greek research area

Driver: The need to collect all efforts and knowledge in managing the coronavirus crisis and widely promote it to the Greek academic and research community was identified at the very beginning of the pandemic, back in April. As a response, Athena Research & Innovation Center (Athena RC) initiated a series of informative and educational online workshops to support research performed around COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, Athena RC developed a dedicated website that serves as an extensib...

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  3185 Hits

Open Science Days in Serbia (III)

The third edition of the Open Science Days, a biannual event presenting new developments in all areas of Open Science (OS) in Serbia, was organized by the OpenAIRE NOAD in Serbia on 5–6 November 2020. The event was organized in a virtual environment (Zoom sessions and live streaming on YouTube). It focused on local developments and all presentations were in Serbian. Several colleagues from the region also attended. During the first day of the Open Science Days, the audience could hear about rece...

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  2768 Hits

Workshops on Research Data Management gained high interest among different stakeholders in Latvia

The International Open Access week workshop Taming the Research Data wisely: a short introduction of how-to-do" organized by the National Open Access Desk – Latvia, University of Latvia and Library of the University of Latvia, gained high interest among the scientific community members of Latvia. The workshops on Research Data Management (RDM) held on October 19th, 2020 in Riga (Latvia) proved the hot topic indeed is important yet not enough explained since the nuances are quite many. The event took place at the Research Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Latvia and online with the informative support of the Latvian Council of Science, Latvian Academy of Sciences, and Association of Latvian Young Scientists.
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  4855 Hits

What the future holds for OpenAIRE? German National Workshop at Open Access Tage

Open Access Tage 2020 Logo

Virtual environment, perfect organization: On September 15th, Germany, as an OpenAIRE partner, teamed up with the organizers of the Open Access Tage 2020 at Bielefeld University for the national workshop on OpenAIRE initiatives and the EOSC. Due to the pandemic, the Open Access Tage 2020 was transferred to the digital world under the perfect organization of the team from Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Bielefeld University Library. Speakers at the event were Ilaria Fava and Najko Ja...

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  3218 Hits

Institutional Open Access Policies: OpenAIRE National Workshop in Poland

Over 90 participants attended the OpenAIRE National Open Access Workshop that took place in Poland on June 8, 2020. The workshop was devoted to the implementation of open access policies and served as an initial point for further cooperation between open access representatives appointed in institutions that have adopted or are preparing to adopt such policies. The event was organized by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM UW) which runs the Open Science...

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  3367 Hits