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PUBMET2018 Conference in Zadar, Croatia

The fifth PUBMET2018 conference, the Croatian national OpenAIRE event,  took place on September 19-21, 2018 in Zadar, Croatia. The surroundings – three thousand years old Mediterranean city - were well suited for our discussions about open science. Participants from different countries such as Netherlands, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Spain, Great Britain, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia came to present and discuss their work in the area of schola...

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National Open Science Days in Belgrade, Serbia

At the National Open Science Days,  held on October 18th and 19th in Belgrade, researchers from Serbia had the opportunity to get to know the principles of open science, as well as the changes that can be expected in the future. In addition to the experiences from other European countries, special attention has been paid to the Open Science Platform, which the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development adopted in July (see this blogpost for details...

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Open Access week 22-28. October 2018 in Slovakia

 During Open Access week in Slovakia, we organized 2 events – a webinar and our national OpenAIRE workshop. We also provided materials for libraries, which they could download from our website and reuse. The Webinar was held on 23rd October and was about Creative Commons licenses. Around 15 people attended. Our speaker Zuzana Adamová discussed the basics of how and where to use CC licenses. The OpenAIRE Workshop happened the day after, on 24th October...

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Open Science Quest

Learning through the structure of a workshop is essential, but sometimes our brains also need distraction and entertainment. During the week of the Luxembourg Open Science Forum, library users were challenged to take part in the Open Science Quest to learn about Open Science practices at their own pace. The freely available Open Science Voyager Pack consisted of a travel sheet and a pencil (that can be planted to grow into herbs). Successful Voyagers were rewarded with a treasure at the end...

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Luxembourg Open Science Forum

A Forum, a quest, a policy.Those were the three words that characterised the week of 12 to 16 November 2018 in Luxembourg. Three days of seminars, debates and workshops, with speakers invited from across Europe, allowed attendants to explore ways of making research more visible, transparent and efficient. Ahead of the Forum, CEOs and stakeholders met to discuss a national plan for Open Science. And, for a week, library users were challenged to take on the Open Science Quest, an activity to disco...

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The Romanian OpenAIRE National Workshop – Implementing Open Access and Open Science in Romania

On the 22nd of October, 2018, rightat the start of the Open Access Week, took place the Romanian OpenAIRE NationalWorkshop – Implementing Open Access and Open Science in Romania. Theevent was organized by UEFISCDI (theExecutive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and InnovationFunding), as Romanian OpenAIRE NOAD,and took place in the North of Bucharest, at the National University ofPolitical Science and Public Administration (SNSPA). The Workshopmanaged to gather a broad range ofs...

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Swiss Research Data Day 2018

The Swiss Research Data Day on 12 June 2018 at ETH Zurich was organised by the Swiss research data management project DLCM and supported by the OpenAIRE2020 NOAD in Switzerland.There has been a data deluge in the research sector in recent years, accompanied by an increasing tendency to allow the scientific community access to original research data and the procedures used in order to enable study results to be fully reproduced. The management of research data is far from a straightforward issue,...

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Dutch OpenAIRE national event "Open day on open science"

**published on behalf of Elly Dijk – Dutch NOAD**On 21 March 2018 DANS, Data Archiving and Networked Services, organized, together with the Dutch OpenAIRE NOAD, the Young Academy (KNAW) and the Dutch PhD Network - Promovendi Netwerk Nederland, an “Open day on Open Science” at the DANS venue.Subject of this day was open research data, research data management, data archiving and data reuse. The day was a great success with presentations, discussions, and an information market. There were around 9...

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Open Access in Practice: Dissemination, Visibility, Usage & Impact of Scholarly Research

The University of Malta (UM) Library in conjunction with OpenAIRE organised a one-day workshop entitled Open Access in Practice: Dissemination, Visibility, Usage & Impact of Scholarly Research. The event was held on Friday 12th January, 2018 at the UM’s Conferences and Events Unit, based at the Valletta Campus.  The aim of the event was to raise awareness about the concept of Open Access and to provide a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas between key stakeholders for t...

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Luxembourg's first National Open Science conference

It was only 30 years ago that the first public research centres were founded in Luxembourg, but today research and innovation have settled as core priorities to contribute towards the country’s economic diversification and future prosperity. On Thursday 26th of October 2017, as part of the Open Access Week (23-29 October 2017), researchers from all research institutions within Luxembourg were invited to participate, discover, discuss the broad and valuable topic of Open Science. Being Luxembourg...

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Open Research Data - the FAIRest Data is the Future of Science - Estonia national OpenAIRE event

Estonian OpenAIRE national event 2017: international seminar „Open Research Data - the FAIRest Data is the Future of Science   The University of Tartu Library and DataCite Estonia Consortium organized an international seminar on the 20th of April, 2017 held in the Tallinn University of Technology. The goal of the seminar was to bring out best practices from various data archives, show common problems of data storing and usage as well as to explore researchers’ point of view to the data. The...

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Swedish OpenAIRE event "Opportunities in Open Science"

On January 19th the National Library of Sweden organised a national OpenAIRE seminar, in collaboration with the Swedish Research Council and Vinnova, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems. Recordings and ppt-slides are available here.This is a summary of the seminar: Gunilla Herdenberg, National Librarian and Director General of the National Library of Sweden, opened the seminar ”Opportunities in Open Science”, which was held in a full auditorium at the National Library of Sweden on the...

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Open Science in Horizon 2020: Serbia OpenAIRE National Workshop

Over 350 researchers attended “Open Science in Horizon 2020”: the Serbia OpenAIRE National Workshop hosted by the University of Belgrade on November 8, 2016.   The event was opened by the Vice Rector of the University of Belgrade and the Deputy Minister of Science. The presentations covered the following topics: "OpenAIRE as a European infrastructure supporting Open Science", "OpenAIRE2020 in Serbia: an overview and successes" and a new Erasmus+ project  "BE-OPEN (Boosting Engagem...

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Portuguese OpenAIRE workshop 2016 on "Open Science and the Funders' Requirements: Open Access and Open Data in H2020"

On the November 4th 2016 the Portuguese OpenAIRE national workshop was held in Coimbra, Portugal, at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Coimbra. The workshop was focused on the Open Access and Open Data Horizon 2020 requirements but also aimed to have a more comprehensive view of Open Science. With the title "Open Science and the Funders' Requirements: Open Access and Open Data in H2020", this half-day workshop had four main presentations from Stephen Curry, Imperi...

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The Finnish National OpenAIRE workshop focused on infrastructures and networking for Open Science

The workshop was held at the University of Helsinki at the end of August. The event was designed to paint a broad picture of the current scene of Open Science starting from the European level down to local university level developments. The focus was clearly on infrastructures supporting the goals of Open Science but there was also a strong emphasis on networking between all participants. This aspect was facilitated by thematic discussion groups during the lunch. The workshop gathered some sixty...

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Italian OpenAIRE national workshop 2016

a post by Paola Gargiulo, NOAD for ItalyOn May 30th and May 31st, the National Open Access Desk for Italy, Cineca organized is national workshop on Open Science in collaboration with CNR, FOSTER project and the universities of Bologna, Parma, Turin and Trento and with the patronage of APRE, the Italian NCP, and AISA, the Italian Association for the Promotion of Open Science. The main goal of the two-day workshop was to focus primarily on Open Science in the Italian context, discuss on what it ha...

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  2757 Hits