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Implementing OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers “Lessons Learned” by the Dutch aggregator NARCIS Portal

In the context of the Horizon 2020 project OpenAIRE Advance, the institute DANS (Data archiving and Networked Services) in the Netherlands implemented the OpenAIRE CRIS/CERIF Guidelines using a CRIS on a national level: NARCIS Portal. This blog describes the "lessons learned" during the technical implementation of the OpenAIRE (OA) CERIF-XML profile for CRIS managers into the NARCIS domain. This implementation has been part of Subtask 6.1.2. Interoperability - Connecting with CRIS-CERIF. In gene...

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  5193 Hits

Recommendations for Services in a FAIR data ecosystem

Results from a collaboration between RDA Europe, FAIRsFAIR, OpenAIRE, FREYA and EOSC-hub have just been published in Patterns in an article entitled Recommendations for Services in a FAIR data ecosystem. The publication is an outcome of three workshops1 held in 2019 that gathered and prioritised community feedback on the current challenges and priorities for services to support FAIR data. The overall approach is illustrated in Figure 1 and may be summarised as follows: Take stock of recommendati...

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  4059 Hits

New educational website on FAIR research data released

On the 3rd of July 2020 a new website was released which takes a deep dive into the practicalities of making FAIR research data. The site is conceived as a blended learning resource targeted at researchers in all disciplines and the goal is to show how they can make their own research data more FAIR through real life examples from the Humanities, Social, Natural, and Health Sciences. The site is based on written explanations garnished with video testimonials from 9 different researchers and scie...

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  5387 Hits

Webinar “NARCIS PID Graph - PID graph of the Dutch research landscape”

  Connecting and enriching information in the national portal NARCIS The National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System (NARCIS) hosted by Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) is a portal that collects and disseminates information about scientific work in the Netherlands. Within the EU-funded FREYA project, the use of persistent identifiers (PIDs) in NARCIS has been extended and innovated to connect and integrate research information making it more visible to ...

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  3768 Hits

A library’s learning from DMP feedback

By Signe Gadegaard and Jitka Stilund Hansen, Technical University of Denmark The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has 11.000 students and 6000 employees among which 3500 are researchers and Ph.D. students. At DTU Library, we are a small group of people dedicated to facilitate and coordinate development and activities within Research Data Management (RDM), as well as to provide and maintain RDM services and tools. As a result of DTU`s implementation of a Policy of the Retention of Primary Ma...

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  3931 Hits

Report: OpenAIRE Legal Policy webinars

This blog is an adaptation of a blogpost first published on the CREATe (UK Copyright and Creative Economy Centre, University of Glasgow) blog. Thanks to CREATe's PhD students Methinee Suwannakit, Zihao Li and Jiarong Zhang for collecting the notes used to prepare this blog.                                                                &n...

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  3788 Hits

The Importance of Open Science for the Societal Challenges - OS & Covid-19: discussion with the Romanian community Webinar, April 14, 2020

Context: The Covid-19 outbreak affecting the whole world caused sudden lockdown in Romania in March 2020, as a response to the outspread of the virus; the importance of open science has widely become more obvious and many actors started to act more "open" as a natural response to the coronavirus issues; as well as other countries, Romania feels the need of strengthening collaboration in science and innovation more than ever. Scope: In this context, the OpenAIRE NOAD representatives, who are also...

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  8295 Hits

French researchers in favour of a move towards open science, provided it does not drastically change their habits

Couperin publishes the results of the survey on the publication and open access practices of French researchers conducted in 2019. Thanks to its unique scope, number of respondents (approx.12,000, i.e. 10% of the scientific community) and variety of disciplines, this survey helps to shed light on the way French researchers regard current scientific communication in journals and to grasp their views on open access. The richness of the survey rests largely on the verbatim reports (more than 11,500...

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  4115 Hits

COVID-19: Supporting research collaboration and data sharing in Greece

The occasion: In February 2020, the pandemic crisis of Coronavirus Disease 2019, COVID-19, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome virus 2, SARS-CoV-2, affected Greece. The Greek Government immediately responded to the public health emergency by taking strong measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the country, such as an early lockdown, followed by intensive efforts to ease the new reality in everyday life of Greek citizens through the gradual transition to an e-society, marked by...

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  4193 Hits

The Israel Science Foundation (ISF) big step towards Open Science

 The ISF gateway in F1000Research is open for submissions from ISF grantees. The Israel Science Foundation, the largest funder in Israel, has made a concrete step in the direction of open access and in support of the principles of open research. It takes the form of a new and alternative publishing venue called the ISF gateway, which is hosted within the F1000Research platform. This follows the example of several high-profile funding agencies such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,...

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  3771 Hits

Implementation of the OpenAIRE-CRIS-CERIF Guidelines in DSpace-CRIS

Supported by OpenAIRE, 4Science has implemented the most recent version of the OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers in the open-source repository software DSpace-CRIS, which extends the DSpace repository platform by research data and information management.   Today, we already count more than 100 DSpace-CRIS installations running at research institutions across Europe. Which emphasizes the potential when making their rich research information interlinked and findable in OpenAIRE. The main ...

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  6154 Hits

Third series of OpenAIRE webinars in greek launched with a “train the trainer” webinar

The new series: The National Open Access Desks for Greece and Cyprus are back with yet another series of informative and training webinars in the greek language! In 2020, webinars focus on Open Science advocacy, use of Research Data Management (RDM) services, understanding GDPR from the perspective of researchers, writing Data Management Plans and identifying areas to collaborate with each other. Hence, target groups for the webinars are librarians, repository managers, researchers and european ...

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  3934 Hits

Research Data Management e-course

Introduction In Estonia, the University of Tartu Library and the UT Natural History Museum have collaborated for a long time. Natural scientists initiated the university's joining of the DataCite in 2014 to provide DOIs for research data and register the metadata of datasets. It is essential for a researcher to be visible in academia and to get citations and recognition for all parts of their work.  Since that time, the UT Library has been developing research data services and the instituti...

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  4882 Hits

Good Practice Exchange at Bielefeld University - People of OpenAIRE

The "Good Practice Exchange" (GPE) program of OpenAIRE is aimed to support National Open Access Desks colleagues (NOADs) and consortium members in 2020 to visit another consortium partner to exchange and learn about Open Science aspects, such as "Embedding Open Science Practices", "Open Science Policy and its Practical Alignment in an Institutional Context", "National Coordination of Open Science and Research Data Management", and "Repository Operation and Metadata Management Best Practices".Bie...

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  4193 Hits

OpenAIRE Barcamp: what happens in Paris… now you know it, too!

 How it all started: It is a tradition for the Open Science Conference in Berlin to complement its programme with an un-conference convention, the "Barcamp". During that time, professionals, experts and enthusiasts get together for a day to discuss Open Science issues that are relevant to their field of study or interests in an informal way, meaning that there are no presentations or lectures involved. The programme is formed on the day, the participants are the ones who propose topics for ...

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  5254 Hits

OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub @ EOSC Symposium 2019

The EOSC Kiosk boasted a huge variety of information materials on the many projects working towards EOSC – with the cooperation between EOSC-hub andOpenAIRE right at the center of it all.
During the week of November 25-28, 2019, the many stakeholders involved in Open Science in Europe convened at Danubius Hotel Helia in beautiful Budapest to participate in EOSC Symposium. Co-organised by EOSC Secretariat together with EOSC-hub, OpenAIRE, GÉANT, and PRACE in collaboration with the EOSC Governance Board, Executive Board and its Working Groups, the symposium promised three intense and stimulating days for all stakeholders to actively contribute to discussions around the variety of topics and issues surrounding the inception of EOSC.

With joint sessions on Skills Development, Training Infrastructure for EOSC, Key Exploitable results and OS Policies​ organized and/or co-chaired ​by our institutions' representatives, the cooperation of OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub became imminently visible and highlighted the integral part that the two projects are playing in the evolving ecosystem of the European Open Science Cloud. ​
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  3339 Hits

DOAJ strategy meeting at Vienna University Library - Interview with Lars Bjørnshauge

"DOAJ operates an education and outreach program across the globe, focussing on improving the quality of applications submitted."[1] DOAJ is an independent, free of charge, online directory that indexes Open Access and peer-reviewed journals - with the help of many volunteers who are evaluating the new applied journals. It is funded 40% from sponsors and 60% from members and publisher members. Strategy Meeting After stops in cities like Rome, Stockholm, Copenhagen and Barcelona the Dir...

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  2570 Hits

The Open Access Escape Room: a game as a way of reaching out?

This year our usual practices of celebrating the Open Access Week at Kaunas University of Technology in Kaunas, Lithuania, took a different turn: in addition to promoting the OpenAIRE webinars, the initiative of setting up an escape room was brought to life. Rasa Dovidonytė, Senior Information Manager at KTU Library, followed the instructions by Katrine Sundsbø, the Scholarly Communications and Research Support Manager at the University of Essex, on how to set up the Open Access Escape Room (htt...

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  3942 Hits

OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub: Collaboration is key

OpenScienceFAIR 2019: questions from the audience

From September 16 to 18, 2019, more than 300 participants convened in the beautiful city of Porto (POR) for the second instalment of the OpenScienceFAIR. One of the major themes of this year's conference revolved around all things EOSC - focusing on the European Open Science Cloud and corresponding questions around its future shape and form, and two joint workshops were organized by OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub. The workshop "The Journey to EOSC - preparing at national level", held on Tuesday, Septembe...

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  4073 Hits

OSFAIR 2019. It’s time to move

What happened? The main conference themes: Infrastructure for open Science: services, methods and networks The European Open Science Cloud RRI and Open Science: bridging the gap Training and skills for Open Science Policies and evaluation Innovative publishing and research disseminationValue added data products and services for Open Science On 16 to 18 September 2019 at the 19th century Congress Centre Alfândega in Porto, the second Open Science FAIR brought together a diverse audience of m...

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  3543 Hits