What happened? The main conference themes: Infrastructure for open Science: services, methods and networks The European Open Science Cloud RRI and Open Science: bridging the gap Training and skills for Open Science Policies and evaluation Innovative publishing and research disseminationValue added data products and services for Open Science On 16 to 18 September 2019 at the 19th century Congress Centre Alfândega in Porto, the second Open Science FAIR brought together a diverse audience of m...
Bringing scholarly communication back into the hands of scientists Tracking and connecting all links between research results, institutions that produced and financed them, and where to find them for consultation or further use. We are collecting feedback! Find out more here. The backdrop: Open Science is gradually becoming the modus operandi in research practices, affecting the way researchers collaborate and publish, discover, and access scientific knowledge. Scientists are increa...
This blog post is first in a series of blogs describing RDM support activities in participating institutions. The series is produced by the Taskforce OpenAIRE: Institutional RDM support.Support Services Preparations for building a solid Research Data Management (RDM) support started more than ten years ago at the University of Helsinki. In an early project at the life sciences campus researchers and library staff presented and discussed data related workflows and possible solutions for data man...
Last year, the Research Data Management (RDM) taskforce of NOADs in OpenAIRE realised that the NOADs use a variety of handy resources concerning RDM in their daily work. For NOADS and other supporters of open science and making research data FAIR, there are many resources available but how to pick the ones that are most useful to you, in other words, how to find your needle in the haystack? Recently, the list of RDM resources recommended by NOADs was published. It is based on activities around f...
The Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana and OpenAIRE-Advance National Open Access Desk organized a conference on open science within the 10th Liber.ac Academic Book Fair.Open science aspects were presented by distinguished international experts, Slovenian high-level officials and experts chaired the presentations and discussion:Open science in the European Research Area – speaker Dr Dr René von Schomberg, Head of the Open Science Unit, Directorate-General for Research and Innovat...
The Open Schools Journal for Open Science is the first European peer review scientific journal that accepts original papers written by school-aged students from Primary to Secondary schools across Europe under the mentoring of their Teachers on all aspects of Science, Engineering and Technology. The journal is hosted on the ePublishing platform of the National Documentation Centre in Greece and managed by Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) and is inviting school groups to submit their articles bas...
On April 23, Elsevier and the Norwegian Unit jointly issued a press release, announcing a two-year pilot agreement on access to research and open publishing. This news took many by surprise since Unit only the month before had announced its decision not to renew their agreement with Elsevier. This decision came after a lengthy period of negotiations and was not made lightly. We quickly got back to our talks with Elsevier, however, and were able to work out the details of the pilot in a ver...
Supported by OpenAIRE, 4Science will implement the most recent version of the OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers in the open source software DSpace-CRIS which extends the DSpace repository platform by research data and information management. Today we can already count more than 100 installations of DSpace-CRIS running in research institutions throughout Europe which emphasizes the potential when making their rich research information interlinked and findable in OpenAIRE. The main objective...
In Bratislava on April 11, 2019 we held a workshop on the future of scholarly journals in Slovakia. This was the second time we organized a workshop dedicated solely to Open Access journals. The main goal was to gather Open Access journal publishers and discuss the problems they are facing in Slovakia. The workshop was carried out in English and Slovak. The main guest was Guillaume Rivalle from Clarivate Analytics who talked about supporting of publishin...
The occasion: OpenAIRE was present at the "Climate Change Symposium: Threats, Challenges, Solutions for Greece" held at the American College of Greece, DEREE on Wednesday 3rd April 2019. The Symposium was comprised of key environmental organisations and experts presentations and ended with a series of parallel game sessions as well as a mini-concert. The Climate Change Symposium was co-organised by Athena Research Center, the UN SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network) and Climate KIC Gr...
This blog post is the report of the workshop on Sustainable non-APC OA publishing models (MS18 Workshop on collaborative publishing models). The 9th international OpenAIRE workshop on Sustainable non-APC open access (OA) publishing models took place on February 26-27, 2019 at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. It showcased a range of successful non-APC OA publishing models. A particular focus was on consortia models, assessing their relative strengths and weaknesses, conducting cross-dis...
This blog post is authored by Elly Dijk and Marjan Grootveld (DANS), Najla Rettberg (UGOE), Sara Pittonet (Trust-IT) Introduction In the old days, all roads led to Rome. Nowadays, they all seem to lead to FAIR data, at least in the world of research. Regardless of one's research domain, the observations, interviews, responses, measurements, statistics, software code, should be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). The aim is to make and keep data FAIR for humans and...
The institutional fundraising campaign for the OpenEdition Books Select offer, conducted jointly with Knowledge Unlatched, OpenEdition and Couperin, is on the right track: 58 institutions (mainly from France but also from Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, USA) have pledged for the release of a package of 30 SSH research books in French (10 new books and 20 from OpenEdition collections). In fact, 6 out of the 10 new titles are already available on the OpenEdition Books platform: Le cinéma ou...
Dutch Copyright Act offers an alternative route to open access The Dutch universities will give open access an extra boost by starting a pilot to make publications available after six months in collaboration with researchers. In order to achieve the Dutch ambition of 100% open access in 2020, we have made agreements with many publishers regarding open-access publishing. Currently, this is not yet possible for all types of publications or journals. That is why, starting February ...
Max Planck Society President Martin Stratmann said that “Open Access is the responsibility of all of us”. In this spirit, 170 participants from 37 countries and international organisations gathered at the 14th Berlin Open Access Conference (3-4 December 2018) to align strategies for a transformation of subscription based scholarly communication to complete and immediate open access. The OA2020 Expression of Interest to drive such a transformation has been signed by 115 research funding and perfo...
Authors: Paula Maria Martinez Lavanchy (ORCID), Technical University of Denmark and Asger Væring Larsen (ORCID), University Library of Southern Denmark A lab notebook is one of the most elementary records of research – at least in some disciplines. In a lab notebook, the researcher records all kinds of project related information – from hypothesis to results of experiments. The way a paper lab notebook is structured differs from discipline to discipline and from lab to lab. But, it often serves ...
The book “Openness in science and higher education” has been published – in Croatian but the preface and abstracts are available in English – and presented at the PubMET conference The book consists of 19 chapters written by 31 authors who are scholars and professionals from various fields and who deal with some form of openness in their everyday work. Editor of the book is Ivana Hebrang Grgić, a Croatian scientist and information specialist whose primar...
The fifth PUBMET2018 conference, the Croatian national OpenAIRE event, took place on September 19-21, 2018 in Zadar, Croatia. The surroundings – three thousand years old Mediterranean city - were well suited for our discussions about open science. Participants from different countries such as Netherlands, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Spain, Great Britain, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia came to present and discuss their work in the area of schola...
Learning through the structure of a workshop is essential, but sometimes our brains also need distraction and entertainment. During the week of the Luxembourg Open Science Forum, library users were challenged to take part in the Open Science Quest to learn about Open Science practices at their own pace. The freely available Open Science Voyager Pack consisted of a travel sheet and a pencil (that can be planted to grow into herbs). Successful Voyagers were rewarded with a treasure at the end...
OpenAIRE has recently launched a survey with an aim to collect information on the operational standards of online publishing platforms/scientific journals and their current level of interoperability with the OpenAIRE infrastructure. Under OpenAIRE’s scope to enhance existing and enable additional links across the elements of Open Science, special focus is given on facilitating content discovery and introducing commonly applied standards that will support the exchange and interlinking of resource...