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Couperin's call for open science projects

I sustain open science
Couperin's aim was to support any project aimed at promoting open science or fostering reflection on open science within the academic community.

The proposed actions had to be linked to the National Plan for Open Science launched by the Minister of Higher Education and Research on 4 July 2018 (, and had to be focused on these kind of deliverables: filmed interviews of researchers, films, including animated films, promoting open science, serious games.

12 projects from 11 institutions were selected in October 2019, with a total of €28,000 in grants, following the call for open science projects launched in July 2019. Most of the deliverables will be available in June 2020.

  • 3 games, 1 video game, 1 escape game
  • 1 MOOC
  • a web interface "decision support".
  • 5 videos

will be co-financed through this grant. The list of projects can be found here:

In the meantime, you can have a look at these other games:

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