Cypriot NI4OS-Europe event and OpenAIRE contribution
About: On April 23, 2021 the University of Cyprus Library organized an Open Science event to update on the latest developments of European Research and Innovation actions, mainly focusing around the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) developments. The event welcomed 65 participants spanning from academics, researchers to policy makers, funders, librarians and Open Science enthusiasts.
Agenda: The Cypriot Open Science event was organized in the context of the National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe – NI4OS Europe project, which aims to be a core contributor to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) service portfolio. Invited speakers were (as they appeared):
- Eleni Toli, Managing Director of NI4OS-Europe project
- Elena Diomidi-Parpouna, Acting Library Director at the University of Cyprus Library
- Andreas Athenodorou, Research Associate in the Cyprus Institute
- Elli Papadopoulou, OpenAIRE Greek NOAD and Argos Product Manager
Moderators of the event were Sylvia Koukounidou and Anastasia Ioannou.
EOSC: The event opened with Eleni Toli setting the background of Open Science in Europe. Eleni highlighted Open Science elements in European strategies and stressed the importance of the EOSC beyond European research. She touched upon the evolution of EOSC Governance and informed about its latest formal structure under the EOSC Association. Eleni communicated that research organizations can choose from different levels of membership to enter the Association. Her presentation concluded with linking NI4OS-Europe project objectives with EOSC activities.
National updates: Next, Elena Diomidi-Parpouna informed about the steps undertaken by the University of Cyprus Library since 2009 to embed Open Science principles in the national research ecosystem, starting from Open Access to publications. The Library has been supporting Open Access implementation through the OpenAIRE network as the mandated national representative (Cypriot NOAD) and has successfully led the developments of a bottom-up Task Force that produced a national policy for Open Access which came into force in 2016. Today, Elena pointed that activities are continued also under NI4OS-Europe project with attempts to re-establish the Task Force and collectively work on a national proposal for Open Science in Cyprus to be shared with the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy who closely follow EOSC advancements.
NI4OS-Europe: Andreas' presentation delved into the specifics of the NI4OS-Europe project to provide an overview of the aims, major KPIs and outputs produced so far in the different Work Packages. He talked about the blueprint for building National Open Science Cloud Initiatives and the onboarding of generic, thematic services and repositories to EOSC through the pre-production environment of NI4OS-Europe. Andreas also highlighted Open and FAIR data management tools that are being developed, such as the LCT for copyright clearance and legal interoperability or the REPOL for machine-readable repository policies. The presentation ended with an early bird announcement of the Open Science Summer School that is co-organized by the Cypriot colleagues.
FAIR principles and OpenAIRE: The day ended with a presentation on the "burning topic" of FAIR principles. Elli explained the relationships between Responsible Research and Innovation, Open Science and Research Data Management practices and clarified differences and commonalities between Open research data and FAIR research data. Furthermore, she informed about ongoing efforts and outputs regarding policies, services, metrics, skills and training resources, citing among other things the proposal for a PID policy and the report for Digital skills for FAIR and Open Science. Moreover, Elli stressed the 3 pillars of work in OpenAIRE and expressed how the fact that NI4OS-Europe project adopted this approach and mobilized NOADs and other stakeholders in the SEE had major advantages particularly on strategic and policy levels.
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