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DI4R 2017 - Cloudy days in Brussels

DI4R 2017 - Cloudy days in Brussels

From 30th November to 01st December 2017 the Digital Infrastructures for Research conference took place in Brussels, directly after the first EOSC Stakeholder Forum. Four days characterised by the discussion of the upcoming challenges and changes, which go along with the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud.

The first day of the DI4R was opened by Katrin Amunts, one of the four keynote speakers, who delivered insight into the Big Data Challenge of the Human Brain Project. A lecture that described the building process of an infrastructure, made to address human brain complexity. These powerful visual impressions were followed up by Thomas Skordas, Director of DG Connect’s Digital Excellence and Science Infrastructure Directorate and a wide range of workshops presenting the already existing building blocks of the upcoming EOSC.

On day two Sarah Caudill, who guided detection pipeline development that led to the 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics-winning discoveries of gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers, tried to explain her daily profession to the audience. Her lecture delivered insight into the enormous amount of data, produced by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) and the Virgo detector. Augusto Burgueño Arjona, head of the unit eInfrastructures at DG Connect, concluded the line of keynote speakers and allowed Europe‘s leading e-Infrastructures, EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAIRE, PRACE and RDA Europe, which jointly organized this two-day event, to take the floor.

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