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European University Association declared strong support to EU current Open Science policies and to OpenAIRE: EUA statement issued on October 27th

The European University Association (EUA) has recently published a statement welcoming the efforts of National Governments and the European Commission in promoting Open Science values in their national research funding schemes and in the EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme.
This statement follows the previous recommendations EUA provided to its members Towards Full Open Access in 2020 and Towards Open Access to Research Data and highlights the role of the OpenAire platform in the adoption of good research, sharing and assessment practices: “In particular, EUA strongly supports EU policies such as Open access to publications and research data, EU-wide open science platforms such as OpenAIRE, and the upcoming creation of the European Open Science Cloud (…)”.

The document includes key messages addressed to EU institutions and national governments, covering different areas, from Open Science policies development to the researchers’ engagement with open access, research assessment approaches, the creation of infrastructures and the establishment of necessary legislation on use and re-use of research publications and data, including text and data mining.

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