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First Digital Infrastructures for Research event held in Krakow (OpenAIRE @ DI4R2016)

From 28-30 October 2016, Europe's leading e-infrastructures joined forces for the first time to invite all researchers, developers, data practitioners and service providers to the Digital Infrastructures for Research (DI4R) event to find new ways to support and facilitate science and research across Europe. DI4R2016 was jointly organised by EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAIRE and RDA Europe, and hosted by ACC Cyfronet AGH, Kraków's academic computing centre.

The event was designed with research communities in mind and aimed to foster broader adoption of digital infrastructure services and promote user-driven innovation. As Programme Committee Chair David Foster (CERN) said, the conference brought together “people from all disciplines and all infrastructures to work on the shared vision and solve the problems that stand in our way."

29897295801_622af75cee_kOpenAIRE was very well represented with various contributions presenting OpenAIRE tools and services, and discussing on how to closely collaborate with key e-Infrastructures (GEANT, EUDAT, EGI, RDA, PRACE) on services, training, user engagement and support. Plans for an annual event of this kind would benefit our communities as OpenAIRE have a lot to share and a lot to learn.

All presentations by the OpenAIRE team are available in a slideshare clipboard:

The plenary sessions have all recordings available here:, which includes Natalia Manola contribution on the plenary discussion with eInfra representatives on “What do researchers and Research Infrastructures need from eInfrastructures?”.

Two specific OpenAIRE sessions:
OpenAIRE services and tools
Info: Use of the Linked Open Data Services for OpenAIRE: Querying Data about Research Results, Persons, Projects and Organisations
Info: sessions with OpenAIRE contributions:
Introduction to European einfrastructures
Info: engagement across e-Infrastructures - Towards an integrated approach
Info: Lightning TalksInfo: Dynamics Workshop: SME engagement across e-Infrastructures - Towards an integrated approach
Info: Service Catalogue for ResearchInfo:
  • OpenAIRE representative: Paolo Manghi.
Interactive workshop Design your e-Infrastructure organised by EGI in collaboration with OpenAIRE, EUDAT and GÉANT, provided a good opportunity for OpenAIRE to collaborative design and define suitable e-infrastructure setups and roadmaps to implement them for Copenhagen Business School Data management platform for Design Thinking Research Symposiums, European Research Initiative in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and Open Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the Advancement of Mathematics (OpenDreamKit VRE). All the information about the workshop and also the program is available here: At this DI4R conference co-located event, OpenAIRE also presented the catalogue of Services -

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