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FOSTER training events revisiting Lithuania

IMG_1574_FOSTE_20190506-130055_1 Librarians are focused on DIY tasks

On the 2nd and 3rd of April, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Library hosted two events: FOSTER Open Science Trainer Bootcamp for librarians from Lithuanian research libraries and Open Data Workshop on Writing Data Management Plans for doctoral students at KTU. This was not the first time the hosts welcomed FOSTER training events at Kaunas University of Technology: a series of events under the title "Promoting Open Science among Young Researchers: Challenges and Opportunities" with numerous invited speakers were carried out in 2015-2016. This time practical hands-on trainings, led by two open science training experts Gwen Frank (Open Access Programme Coordinator at EIFL) and Helene Brinken (Project Officer at Gottingen State and University Library), were a highlight of the training events programme offered by KTU Library this Spring semester.

The Open Science Trainer Bootcamp was targeted at research librarians as current and future open science trainers in Lithuania. This hands-on workshop was full of insights and valuable advice on how to plan, organize and host open science trainings for different target groups. The participants compared various training formats, learned how to design personal mini-training sessions. The Bootcamp attracted academic librarians from Vilnius University, Mykolas Romeris University, Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Šiauliai University, General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, Lithuanian Sports University and Kaunas University of Technology. The participants gave a very positive feedback on the workshop, pointing out the charisma and professionalism of the trainers, the interactive and hands-on approach. In appreciation of all the effort by the FOSTER Team in developing materials and running, reference should be made to the genuine statement by one of the participants: "This is how you make Open Science interesting!"

As the institutional Regulations on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Data require doctoral students to create a DMP, the Doctoral School at KTU welcomed this workshop for young researchers to ensure that they develop the skills for managing and storing their research data in data repositories. The students and early career researchers who attended the Open Data Workshop on Writing Data Management Plans were reminded of the basic issues of data management, principles of FAIR data, analyzed and learned about tools that can be applied for writing their own Data Management Plans.

Both sessions were invaluable support for the OpenAIRE NOAD in Lithuania in promoting Open Science via training events for different target groups.

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