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GraspOS Pilot Workshop in Finland
This November, members of the GraspOS team met in Espoo, Finland for the Pilot Workshop. This workshop, hosted by the Center of Science (CSC), offered a chance for participants to gain insights into the Open Science Assessment Framework (OSAF) and what should be valued in terms of research assessment.
About OSAF: OSAF is a research assessment framework developed under the GraspOS project that serves as a guide on how to conduct evaluations. The goal of the framework is to record assessments and suggest how indicators and other tools can be utilized in each individual evaluation.
GraspOS is a project funded by the European Commission for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The goal of the project is to develop the European Federated Open Metrics Infrastructure that by nature, supports research organisations and communities to design their own paths on how to include Open Science in their RRA protocols and helping them to find solutions that meet their needs and that they may apply in their own controlled environment and own pace.
The use of these indicators is crucial for evaluating quality, impact, and relevance of research outputs in research assessment evaluation. Researchers, funders, and institutions use various indicators (such as openness, transparency, reusability, etc.) to assess the performance and contribution of research activities. These provide valuable insights into research publication productivity and the impact and visibility of research outputs.
Evaluation frameworks often include a combination of qualitative and quantitative indicators to comprehensively evaluate research quality, impact, and relevance. This facilitates a more candid evaluation of an individual's comprehensive research portfolio.
The creation of the OSAF infrastructure involves three pilot phases: a) self-assessment, b) assessment design, and c) assessment event. These sequential steps, starting with identifying values and evaluating the assessment, contribute to the development of the OSAF Infrastructure.
The workshops: Two workshops were held during the event, "Start with What We Value" and "Identifying Contributions in Relation to Context and Purpose." During these, participants practised using the framework for analysis at thematic, institutional, and national levels. The pilots were split into groups based on their cases (national, institutional, and thematic), offering valuable insights for the framework's development.
The meeting discussions focused on advancing "Open Science and Responsible Research Assessment" as a core value within the framework. Additionally, there was a consideration into how the framework could guide the GraspOS pilots in their respective endeavours.
The OSAF can be used by anyone who wants to evaluate institutions, countries, and researchers, offering a tool to optimise and enhance the evaluation process. It serves as a substitute for a traditional research profile, allowing candidates to prepare a portfolio for assessment.
Check it out and see how it can help you in your own evaluations and stay up to date with the GraspOS project on Twitter.
Evaluation frameworks often include a combination of qualitative and quantitative indicators to comprehensively evaluate research quality, impact, and relevance. This facilitates a more candid evaluation of an individual's comprehensive research portfolio.
The creation of the OSAF infrastructure involves three pilot phases: a) self-assessment, b) assessment design, and c) assessment event. These sequential steps, starting with identifying values and evaluating the assessment, contribute to the development of the OSAF Infrastructure.
The workshops: Two workshops were held during the event, "Start with What We Value" and "Identifying Contributions in Relation to Context and Purpose." During these, participants practised using the framework for analysis at thematic, institutional, and national levels. The pilots were split into groups based on their cases (national, institutional, and thematic), offering valuable insights for the framework's development.
The meeting discussions focused on advancing "Open Science and Responsible Research Assessment" as a core value within the framework. Additionally, there was a consideration into how the framework could guide the GraspOS pilots in their respective endeavours.
The OSAF can be used by anyone who wants to evaluate institutions, countries, and researchers, offering a tool to optimise and enhance the evaluation process. It serves as a substitute for a traditional research profile, allowing candidates to prepare a portfolio for assessment.
Check it out and see how it can help you in your own evaluations and stay up to date with the GraspOS project on Twitter.
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