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Greek OpenAIRE NOADs contribution to the development of institutional Open Science policies in Greece


The tradition: The annual Panhellenic Conference of Academic Libraries is one of the most important events for the Greek Academic libraries. Librarians, members of the academic community and suppliers are given the opportunity to broaden their knowledge, to communicate with other colleagues, to syndicate and exchange views and experiences and to be informed about new developments and trends in the Academic Librariesʼ products and services.

PALC 2019: The Library & Information Center of the University of Crete was the host of the 25th Panhellenic Academic Libraries Conference "Academic Libraries and Open Science" that was held on 10-11 October 2019 at the University of Crete (Rethymno). In addition, on Wednesday, October 9, an OpenAIRE pre-conference workshop took place titled "Workshop on Open Science Policies at Higher Education Institutions: From Theory to Practice".

The policy workshop: Elli Papadopoulou (Athena Research Center/ OpenAIRE) started the presentations by defining "EU conditions and the current situation on (Open Access) policies, infrastructures and training in Greece".

Elli focused on five basic areas: (a) Open Science: definition and benefits, (b) The European institutional framework and the recent developments, (c) The OpenAIRE role in Europe and in Greece, (d) Open Science in Greece: the present and the future, (e) Next steps.

The next presentation held from Iliana Araka (HEAL-Link/ OpenAIRE). Iliana spoke about the "Rectors' Conference Declaration on Open Science in Universities, HEAL-Links' and librarians' role into the formation and implementation of open science policies".

In other worlds, she tried to explain paragraph by paragraph the decision of the Rectors' Council, which is the first formal Declaration on open access in Greek universities. Additionally, she attempted to link the meaning of "open access", "open research data", "citizen science" and "open science" to the role of the modern library.

The 3rd speaker was Panoraia Spiliopoulou, who is a legal consultant (HEAL-Link and EOSCSecretariat). Panoraia presented "The Model Policy on Open Science for Greek Academic Institutions" based on the OpenAIREs' "Model Policy on Open Science for Research Performing Organisations (RPOs)".

Τhe first part of the presentation focused on the key points of an institutional open access policy and the second on open science policies for Greek universities.

The workshop ended with discussion. Among others, the participants expressed the needs of their institutions and suggested changes to the model policy text.

Next Steps: The model policy has since then been revised based on the feedback received by the greek academic librarians community and will be presented to the next meeting of the Rectors' Council. The text will also be included in a supplementary to the Open Science Strategy document that has been drafted by the national bottom-up Open Science Task Force.

(Posted on behalf of Iliana Araka)

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