Introducing ARGOS to the Greek and Cypriot research communities
Closing the year: The last webinar of the OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus collaboration series for 2023 focused on the importance of Data Management Plans (DMPs) and their creation in ARGOS. The webinar was attended by 150 participants who had the opportunity to discuss their questions directly with Elli Papadopoulou, OpenAIRE NOAD in Greece and product manager of ARGOS.
In the first part of the presentation, Elli shared the value of DMPs in Research Data Management (RDM) clarifying their content, focusing on metadata, repositories, controlled vocabularies, persistent identifiers and licenses that are essential to make outputs FAIR. She also stressed the importance of detailing how best practices have been applied so that it's understandable by people outside the project ensuring that research can be reproduced.
ARGOS for output management plans
Elli mentioned how ARGOS has different functionalities that can be used by data stewards and librarians who create templates to guide researchers into writing the DMP, but also functionalities for researchers to create, collaborate and publish their DMP. She presented the new feature of 'Blueprint' that combines templates for datasets, software, workflows and other outputs into an overarching output management plan that provides simpler workflows and connections with other services to automate the writing process by prefilling content from those services.
In discussion
At the end of the webinar there was a fruitful discussion with questions spanning from generic clarifications to specific enquiries. For the prior, questions were relevant to becoming an administrator, where she described the process, as well as using ARGOS in the Greek libraries. Elli informed that within the framework of Open Science Trails, which is the new project coordinated by OpenAIRE, HEAL-Link is a partner and will be collaborating to create a template and connect ARGOS to the HARDMIN data repositories infrastructure. Lastly, more specific questions were addressed clarifying research data management practices, such as availability of metadata standards for research on Alzheimer's disease.
On behalf of the Greek and Cypriot NOADs
Other useful links and resources:
- ARGOS Community Calls:
- ARGOS service:
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