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Joint Nordic Policy Workshop

Nordic-Policy-Workshop Presentation of the program at the workshop. Picture from EOSC Nordic.

Recently, a Nordic Policy workshop was held to discuss the state of play of open data policy,barriers and opportunities and the implementation of the EOSC at the Nordic level. The workshop was co-organized by EOSC Nordic and the Nordic OpenAIRE group, and took place at the Danish National Archive in Copenhagen on the 6th of February. Stakeholders invited were Research and academic institution representatives, research communities, e-Infrastructure service providers, policymakers, and funding agencies.

The workshop was opened by Thomas Midtgard from the Danish Ministry of Science and Education, also a member of the EOSC governing board. Thomas described the current developments and set priorities for EOSC in the near future. A couple of presentations presented the role of EOSC Nordic, and the work that has been done so far. This included testing a tool that evaluated how FAIR repositories are. The results showed that work remains to be done, but some repositories also scored quite high although none could offer completely FAIR services. EOSC-Nordic aims to facilitate the coordination of EOSC relevant initiatives within the Nordic and Baltic countries, and is a project running 2020-2022. After a panel discussion the OpenAIRE session started with Jens Aasheim presenting the work of OpenAIRE. After that two invited speakers, Ragnar Lie of UHR-Norway and Nina Järviö from the Finnish Learned Societies talked about research evaluation and Open Science, and the recently adopted Declaration of Open Science and Research Assessment in Finland.

Overall, the workshop gave a thorough picture of the work being done both at the European and Nordic level. The workshop also gave the stakeholders the possibility to meet and discuss across organisational borders. The Nordic OpenAIRE group would like to thank EOSC Nordic for the opportunity to collaborate on this event.

The program can be found here:

Recordings and presentation can be found here:

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