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'Monitoring OA publishing costs and revenues of publishing initiatives' - Workshop successfully

Colocated with the OpenAIRE General Assembly we organized the workshop "Monitoring OA publishing costs and revenues of publishing initiatives" on Dec-11-2019. Despite all the adverse circumstances of the general strike in Paris, the seminar room was well filled.

Objectives of the workshop

The monitoring of cost information on Open Access publishing is a crucial task in the course of the Open Access transition. The latter can only succeed if sustainable business models can be found acknowledging the diversity of Open Access publishing channels and initiatives.


The workshop will present and discuss the following:

  • results of the integration of APC information from OpenAPC into the OpenAIRE Information Space.
  • the coverage of cost monitoring to date, especially in European countries, and measures for its expansion
  • the status of the inclusion of cost information on Open Access transformative agreements
  • prerequisites and measures for recording cost information on OpenAccess monographs (BPCs)
  • exemplary revenue models of publishing initiatives, based on the workshop and report on "Sustainability of cooperative publishing models".

Dirk Pieper, Deputy Director​ of Bielefeld University Library/Germany, gives an introduction word to the workshop participants and emphasizes the importance of the transparency of prices in journal articles, as well as in the area of monographs.

Christoph Broschinski kick off the workshop presenting "The global OpenAPC project". Christoph started as a member of the DFG funded project INTACT in 2015 to setup the OpenAPC project​.

Christoph introduced us to the world of APCs, presented the goals of the OpenAPC project and showed how easy it is to participate as an institution. After each presentation, we planed a discussion round and during the discussion of Christoph's talk, we learned that some participants are already participating in the OpenAPC project and highlighted the report functionalities for institutions.

The next speaker was Dirk with his presentation about "Cost transparency for transformative agreements". EASC, the Efficiency, and Standards for Article Charges, is a registry on transformative agreements that was mentioned in the slides of Dirk. And Dirk presents also the correlation between transformative agreements and the OpenAPC dataset. During the presentation, some examples were discussed, including the German Wiley-DEAL.

The next presentation "Integrating the costs of different OA book models into the ecosystem​" comes from Max Mosterd, Knowledge Unlatched. He presents the different models of Open Access books. Only 25% of monographs are published electronically, the remaining 75% are printed books.


Open questions to the workshop participants:

  • Are these workflow challenges also existing for your institution transformative deals?
  • Are they existing for books and journals alike? What are differences, if any?
  • What are critical success factors for institutions to make an integration concept like this work?

The last and final presentation "Processing charge integration into OpenAIRE Research Graph" concludes and closed the circle to OpenAIRE. Andreas Czerniak, OpenAIRE project officer at Bielefeld University Library, presented the relations between the OpenAPC dataset and the OpenAIRE research graph. As one result the OpenAPC dataset matches the OpenAIRE research graph to ~98% and the relations to funders and funding stream represent added value. The next steps were to connect cost information from the OpenAPC dataset with the relative publications in the OpenAIRE Research Graph. The new processing charge feature in the OpenAIRE research graph could also be used for Book processing charges (BPC), datasets, or other research products, not only for articles.

With a short general discussion about the new possibilities and some final words from Jochen Schirrwagen also from Bielefeld University Library in Germany, the workshop closes and everyone wishes a safe return journey.

The up-coming deliverable 6.4 "Monitoring Open Access transformation with APC data analysis final report" concludes the results of our work. Work on this document has already begun.

Presentations could be found at ZENODO
01 - The global OpenAPC project - an introduction
02 - Cost transparency for transformative agreements
03 - Integrating the costs of different OA book models into the ecosystem
04 - Processing charge integration into OpenAIRE Research Graph


This blog post is the final report of the Milestone 21 of OpenAIRE-Advance, #777541.

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