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New educational website on FAIR research data released

On the 3rd of July 2020 a new website was released which takes a deep dive into the practicalities of making FAIR research data. The site is conceived as a blended learning resource targeted at researchers in all disciplines and the goal is to show how they can make their own research data more FAIR through real life examples from the Humanities, Social, Natural, and Health Sciences. The site is based on written explanations garnished with video testimonials from 9 different researchers and scientists. It is estimated that you can consume the entire website content in about 2 hours, and it is designed for you to easy go back and revisit specific parts of the website through the top navigation. 

The intention is to integrate the website into the curriculum of the Ph.D.-courses on Responsible Conduct of Research at the University of Southern Denmark and other institutions making the research communities able to start the FAIRyfication of their research data at an early stage in their careers. 

The website was developed by representatives from all the Danish universities and the Danish National Archives with financial support from the Danish National Forum for Research Data Management and Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation. The website is furthermore endorsed by RDA-DK.

Watch this trailer about the website.

Access the website here.

The entire content of the website (texts, interview transcripts, images) is available for download at Zenodo for anyone to use (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International).
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