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Online RDM workshop in Slovenia

The RDA Node Slovenia and collaborating infrastructures and institutions were organizing a workshop on research data management (RDM), to take place on 11 March 2020 at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. Due to the fast progression of the coronavirus, one day before the workshop was due, the decision was made to carry it out online. Presentations​ and recordings in Slovenian are available from the programme.

The workshop programme delivered presentations on:
  • RDM recommendations and guides by the RDA, Science Europe, CESSDA ERIC, and LIBER;
  • Data managements plans (DMPs), like Horizon 2020 template DMP, DMPonline, OpenAIRE Argos, and ELIXIR Data Stewardship Wizard;
  • Repositories for storage, access to, and preservation of research data in Slovenia.

Recommendations, outputs and guides of international organizations and European digital infrastructures help to efficiently establish internationally aligned research data ecosystem in an EU Member State, providing for RDM, FAIRness, and openness ("As open as possible, as closed as necessary").

Recommendations by LIBER, the Association of European Research Libraries, call for librarians to engage with research data and develop support for researchers. Librarians in Slovenian research libraries are being encouraged to participate in translating 23 Things for Research Data Management into Slovenian and collect relevant resources within the country.

Different organizations and digital infrastructures have prepared web DMP tools that help researchers to create DMPs. Such tools contain templates, tailored to individual funder requirements or scientific fields, and offer relevant functionalities and instructions.

In Slovenia, research datasets can be deposited into the Social Science Data Archives and CLARIN repositories. Data archives are being built by the national supercomputing centre HPC RIVR and ELIXIR Slovenia, which are in collaboration. HPC RIVR centre is planning to use EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure services and will also offer preservation of research datasets.
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