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Open Access Week in Slovakia


During Open Access week in Slovakia we organized two events. On 22.10 we had webinar "Open science is here for you" on the basics of open science and how to get involved. Around 40 people attended from all over Slovakia. 

On 24.10.2019 we organized OpenAIRE workshop "Open Access: its opportunities and challenges" with 4 speakers. During the workshop participants could play a quiz about Open Science (topics were Open Access, CC Licenses, Open Data, Predatory Publishing and Plan S).

​Time October 24, 2019
Slovak Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (Bratislava)
Number of people attended


Introduction was made by our director Ján Turňa who stressed the importance of open access/open science.

9:45 am - 10:15 am Skarlet Ondrejčáková - From Open Government to Science Open for Everyone
​10:15 am - 10:45 am Viera Petrášová - Open Science in H2020 projects
​11:00 am - 11:30 amJán Gondoľ - Open data in context of Open Science
​11:30 am - 12:00 pm​Zuzana Stožická - Citizen science: Two heads are better than one


Skarlet Ondrejčáková
Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the Development of Civil Society

In her presentation, Skarlet talked about OGP Action Plans 2015, 2017-2019 and new Action Plan 2019-2021. She also focused on challenges resulting the new Action Plan for all stakeholders involved in Open Science framework.

Viera Petrášová
National Contact Point for Horizon 2020

In her presentation, Viera introduced new framework programme Horizon Europe and how fulfills the Open S aims and priorities. She also talked about EOSC and its three pillars - open science, open innovations and openess to world.

Ján Gondoľ
Independent expert

In his presentation, Ján focused on open data and how to use open formats. He showed for example how word "bioresonance" showed in Google many thousands results but serious research article (not OA) about this topic has only 50 downloads.

​Zuzana Stožická
Slovak Centre for Scientific and Technical Information

In her presentation, Zuzana talked about Citizen Science. She made introduction to history, its problems but also contributions and she also explained the gamification of Citizen Science, Citizen Science projects in Slovakia and their current challenges.

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