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Open peer review, innovative dissemination and altmetrics: OpenUP Final Conference

The OpenUP project on “OPENing UP new methods, indicators and tools for peer review, impact measurement and dissemination of research results” held its final conference in Brussels on 5-6 September 2018. The three project topics were discussed from different aspects, including gender, thereby reflecting Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), which promotes an open and gender sensitive science ecosystem, sharing information among researchers, innovative industries and citizens.

The OpenUP project found that science is increasingly participatory and multi-directional with a proliferation of channels. Enthusiasm is not generally reflected in uptake. There is lack of awareness, skills, resources, evidence, policies, and incentives for open peer review and innovative dissemination as well as altmetrics.

The OpenUP Hub was built by the project with case studies, tools and services on the three project topics. The Open Peer-Review Toolbox, Innovative Dissemination Tools and Altmetrics Toolbox are all part of OpenUP Hub.

The OpenUP project formulated the following policy recommendations for open peer review, innovative dissemination and altmetrics:
1. Support demand and supply of open peer review by running pilots;
2. Creative incentives for and strengthen monitoring of innovative dissemination activities taking into account differences across disciplinary fields;
3. Increase awareness of and train researchers on altmetrics;
4. Further exploit opportunities to integrate open peer review, innovative dissemination and altmetrics in research workflows and evaluation;
5. Continue investigation on potential of open science for solving gender and diversity issues.

Winners of the OpenUP Blog Competition for young researchers and students, announced at the conference, are Marcel Knöchelmann, Victor Venema, Dasapta Erwin Irawan, and Nicolás Alessandroni. The latter told that students do not get to know about open science until they graduate – university managements need to include open science elements in curricula.

One day before the conference on 4 September 2018, Plan S was announced by cOAlition S (determining that researchers will be required by participating funders to publish publicly funded research results in compliant Open Access journals and on compliant Open Access platforms after 1 January 2020). Conference participants welcomed Plan S, but since implementation details are not yet known, could not assess the Plan’s consequences for peer-review, dissemination, and research assessment.
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