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The Romanian OpenAIRE National Workshop – Implementing Open Access and Open Science in Romania

On the 22nd of October, 2018, right at the start of the Open Access Week, took place the Romanian OpenAIRE National Workshop – Implementing Open Access and Open Science in Romania. The event was organized by UEFISCDI (the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding), as Romanian OpenAIRE NOAD, and took place in the North of Bucharest, at the National University of Political Science and Public Administration (SNSPA).

The Workshop managed to gather a broad range of stakeholders from different backgrounds: libraries, publishing agencies, academic journals repositories, policy-making and funding agencies, HEIs, research institutes, research infrastructures, researchers etc.

And it included sessions dedicated to both general and more applied topics. In the first part of the event, were covered topics such as: Introductory session (Prof. Adrian Curaj, Director of UEFISCDI), The vision of the European Commission: policy and practice for Open Science and Open Access (Alina Irimia, Romanian NOAD rep.); Open Access, Open Science and how does OpenAIRE help achieving the two (Iryna Kuchma, OpenAIRE Coordinator of the East Region). And in the second, and more applied part of the Workshop, the following sessions were included: Open Science Communities – Romania’s Initiatives. BrainMap & ERRIS – examples of collaboration in science (Ioana Spanache, PhD, Romanian NOAD rep.); EOSC Hub – a single contact point for European researchers and innovators (Mihnea Dulea, PhD. representative of EGI Federation in Romania, IFIN-HH); Demonstration of OpenAIRE tools (Iryna Kuchma); Romanian Open Access Publications (Victor Velter, PhD, Head of the Scientometrics Office, UEFISCDI).

The event was concluded through a Q&A and consultation session regarding UEFISCDI’s proposals for OA & OS activities to be implemented in the near future. During it, participants had to fill in a questionnaire focused on both outreach and dissemination, and training and support activities, as same as on collecting additional suggestions regarding other potential events and activities.

Some examples of proposed activities which were also received well by the participants refer to dissemination of information about and offering training and support on – Creative Commons and IPRs, Incorporating OA and OS specific practices into researchers' workflows and examples of use cases, how to design and create a Research Data Management Plan (RDM); OS & OA practices addressed to doctoral students. Moreover, participants showed great interest regarding receiving information in the form of online courses, which can be accessed afterwards at any time and from anywhere; and receiving packages of information and toolkits designed according to the different categories of beneficiaries.

The full agenda of the Workshop, as same as the used presentation can be found by accessing the following link:

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