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OpenAIRE survey for online journals and publishing platforms


OpenAIRE has recently launched a survey with an aim to collect information on the operational standards of online publishing platforms/scientific journals and their current level of interoperability with the OpenAIRE infrastructure.

Under OpenAIRE’s scope to enhance existing and enable additional links across the elements of Open Science, special focus is given on facilitating content discovery and introducing commonly applied standards that will support the exchange and interlinking of resources and their metadata. In the context of online scientific publications, OpenAIRE will identify key areas of potential intervention towards the more effective association of publications with authors, funders and other research outputs.

The survey is addressed to publishing platform administrators and/or editorial teams of stand-alone journals. The questionnaire comprises 4 sections (platform/journal information; Metadata standards; Platform/journal interoperability; OpenAIRE services for journal publishing platforms – optional) and a range of related questions that collect information on the platforms/journals’ operational framework, as well as metadata and resource management issues (access, preservation, indexing).

Your answers will support us in suggesting improvements for technical workflows and metadata, and help us provide recommendations and consistent guidelines towards the implementation of enhanced interoperability standards.

Take part in the survey and contribute to the design of a consistent and equitable digital publishing ecosystem!

Questionnaire for journal publishing platforms: (registration required)

Questionnaire for stand-alone journals: (registration required)


*The survey will be active until the 31st of December. It takes 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your responses will remain confidential.


For further information or inquiries, please contact us at journalplatform-surv[AT]

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