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Event Series held 'Research Data Management in Austria'

For some time now, data management plans (DMPs) have been required for externally funded projects by some funding institutions. Especially in the humanities, this way of recording research materials and results is often not yet widespread and therefore often poses challenges for researchers. In this workshop, the DMP of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) was discussed step by step as an example, and exemplary answers from classic humanities projects were given.

The series of events was developed within the framework of the project "FAIR Data Austria" and is carried out together with the Network for Repository Managers (RepManNet). The individual events are aimed at researchers, people from research support services and interested parties from various disciplines. The project started with a focus on the humanities and included the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH ÖAW) and the FWF.

Representatives of the institutions led the participants step by step through the currently required data management plan of the Austrian Science Fund and explained on the basis of two research projects, one from German studies and one from archaeology, which answers to the individual questions of the DMP would be possible.The DMP should describe the long-term handling of data used or generated during a research project. This includes, among other things, information about formats, rights, data use strategy, long-term archiving, and technical applications.This was commented on from the perspective of the funding body and by Susanne Blumesberger from the perspective of a repository manager.

Due to the pandemic, the event was held as a webinar, which had the great advantage that more than 90 people from all over Austria could participate and ask questions via chat.Thus, some questions from humanities scholars, for whom the completion of a DMP is often a great challenge, could be answered quickly.

The event was recorded, the video is available: (in German)

The series of events will continue with two workshops focusing on data from the life sciences, and from the social sciences, respectively, in the coming semester.

More information can be found here:

Susanne Blumesberger

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