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Serbia celebrates Open Access Week with ORCID tutorials!
Kickstart your ORCID ID!
OpenAIRE NOAD in Serbia has released a set of brief video tutorials about ORCID IDs. The video's are in Serbian and should be understood throughout the Western Balkans.They are intended for all those who (still) do not have ORCID profiles, but they may also be useful for registered ORCID users who have not fully set up their profiles.
Each topic is explained in a short video (about 6 minutes) aimed at helping users register and maintain their ORCID profiles. Additional lessons will be recorded as needed.
The topics covered are:
- Basic information about ORCID and why it is important to have an ORCID
- Where are ORCID are visible in e-resources in Serbia and who has it?
- Initial registration - good (and bad) practices of ORCID profiles
- Entry of basic data into an ORCID profile
- Expanding ORCID Profile with works (articles)
You can also consult a presentation on ORCID here: https://media.rcub.bg.ac.rs/img/ORCID-Prezentacija.pdf
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