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Slovenia seminar on practical aspects of open access publishing

Slovenia seminar on practical aspects of open access publishing
Approximately 120 participants attended the event entitled Practical aspects of publishing in open access: a seminar for researchers and librarians, which took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, at the premises of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport on 20 May 2015. The event was jointly organized by the Ministry and three libraries (the National and University Library, the Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana, the University of Maribor Library) and was live streamed to the web, the recording is also available. The purpose of the organizers was to inform the researchers and librarians on advanced and practical topics from open access.

Director General of the Science Directorate of the Ministry Urban Krajcar has welcomed the participants. He made a short overview of the development of open access in the European Union and announced the public consultation on the Slovenian draft document that started the preceding day (the public consultation, the draft document "Open Access in Slovenia 2015-2020: Principles and Regulation Regarding the Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Slovenia for the Period from 2015 to 2020").

Maja Vihar and Miro Pušnik, Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana, have set the stage with the presentation on open access basics, including the policies in the European Research Area, the infrastructures, and attitudes of publishers.

The foreign lecturers took part at the seminar via videoconference systems or recorded presentations.
  • Thomas Margoni, University of Amsterdam, introduced the copyright and the Creative Commons licenses first, then explained the Creative Commons Public License, its evolution from the version 3.0 to 4.0 as well as its main features for open access to scientific publications, research data and databases.
  • Paul Ayris, University College London, gave an overview of open access challenges and opportunities in 2015 from the view of the United Kingdom, like the national open access policy and funding for open access in the United Kingdom (the funding sources, the cost of green/gold open access implementation and double dipping). He explained the activities of the University College London in open access (UCL Discovery, UCL Press, the open access workflows, advocacy for open access).ayris
  • Eelco Feerwerda, OAPEN Foundation, presented open access to monographs in the humanities and the social sciences (the research output in HSS, conventional monographs, authors’ attitudes, overview of open access models, publishers, and business models). OAPEN is available to assist with the publishing process of open access monographs and act as the library. His presentation contains a short guide to the open access book publishing.
  • Margo Bargheer, University of Goettingen, showed the practical experiences in providing open access services to the researchers, scholars and faculties at the University of Goettingen. The electronic publishing department provides support for gold open access (manages the fund), helps with publishing services and book publishing through the Goettingen University Press and offers support for green open access, consults and teaches.
  • Mirjam Kotar, Nataša Godec, Borut Kirar, and Janez Jug, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social kotarSciences, presented the services that are carried out in the library for the researchers in need of open access support. The library has to understand the requirements and expectations of stakeholders (authors, funders, publishers, the public) and develop adequate services for open access.
  • Janez Štebe from the same faculty, explained the management of research data during planning and generation of the research data as well as the experiences of the Social Science Data Archives.
  • Dunja Legat and Bernarda Korez, University of Maribor Library, presented the role of librarians in supporting open access to scientific publications. Library can act as the information point, offer support for deposit to the repository, raise awareness on open access and carry out advocacy activities, also educate the stakeholders.
Photo credits: Polona Marinšek
More information: contact Mojca Kotar, the OpenAIRE Slovenia NOAD
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