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Swiss Research Data Management Day 2016

Swiss Research Data Management Day 2016
On November 29th 2016 the Swiss RDM Day took place at Rolex Learning Center, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). The national workshop for 150 participants was jointly organised by OpenAIRE, the national project Data Life-Cycle Management (DLCM) and its partners (EPFL, ETH Zürich, HES-SO - HEG, University of Basel, University of Zurich, Université de Lausanne and SWITCH).
The event provided insights into existing services like OpenAIRE and the upcoming national support services by DLCM that allow for efficient management of active research data, ensure publication as well as long term reference and preservation of subsets of data.

Four keynotes by Martin Vetterli (President of the Swiss National Science Foundation), Barend Mons (Chair of the European Open Science Cloud, Dutch Techcenter for the Life Sciences), Marta Teperek (Research Data Facility Manager, University of Cambridge) and Frédéric Kaplan (Head of the Digital Humanities Lab, EPFL) set the scene for the workshop.

In five breakout sessions the participants had the opportunity of debating about guidelines, training&education, active data management, long-term preservation, Open Access policies for publications and data in Switzerland and Horizon 2020 as well as about the follow-up of the SUC P2 program (2017-2020), an important funding stream for improved access, processing and safeguarding of scientific information.

Please visit the recently launched DLCM webportal for more information, slides and recordings:
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