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Webinar together with the OpenAPC team on the transparency of publications fees

An overview and a quick dive into the transparency of publication fees (APCs). About 100 viewers attended the webinar on March 25, 2019. The event consisted of two presentations:  First, Christoph Broschinski gave an introduction to the OpenAPC initiative ( ). Since June 2014, this initiative, supported by the DINI working group on electronic publishing and subject of the projects INTACT and continued now in KOA, collects and disseminates datasets on APC ...

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8th progress report for the FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot

With just five months to go for this EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot, this is a new progress report based on the figures collected as of Nov 30th. At this point, this funding initiative has already funded 700 Open Access post-grant publications arising from 534 completed FP7 projects.The dataset for the APC payments made thus far that was recently shared with OpenAPC provides revealing graphic snapshots for the project and allows its current results to be compared to those arising from initi...

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  2686 Hits

First FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot Progress Report

This post shows the main results of the first report on the FP7 Post-Grant OA Pilot initiative. The report examines the project progress during its first two months of operation, based on the data for approved funding requests for Open Access publishing fees for research articles and monographs collected until July 31st, 2015. The parallel project workline for implementing an APC-equivalent funding mechanism for non-APC-based Open Access journals and platforms will be summarized in an independen...

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  1091 Hits

Second FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot progress report

       The second progress report is already available for the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot providing information on the first four months of the project with data as of Sep 30th. The results show that the initiative is gradually taking up, with more than double funding requests having been granted in this 4-month period than in the first two months of the Pilot. The rhythm of growth is however slower than initially expected, due to both the season which the initiative has been launched i...

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  1053 Hits

FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot: Fifth Progress Report

This is the 5th bi-monthly progress report for the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot. Ten months into the project, the number of approved funding requests has already reached 300, which already makes this Gold Open Access funding initiative one of the largest of its kind. The average APC fee paid for the 283 approved requests for journals articles (which currently make up 95% of the total funded publications) is €1,432. This is nearly the same value that was collected for the previous report, ...

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  867 Hits

The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot one year into the initiative: 6th progress report

The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot has recently completed its first year of operation since its launch on May 30th 2015. This sixth progress report looks into the results for the period. Most figures shown in the report are however dated June 15th, as this marks an important milestone for the project: as of mid-June, the pre-payment agreements that OpenAIRE has signed with publishers like Copernicus, BioMed Central and Wiley are starting to be implemented. This means a new set of additional wo...

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  1864 Hits

7th progress report for the FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot

15 months into the project, this FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot has already funded well over 500 Open Access publications arising from finished FP7 projects. The 7th progress report shows its evolution with data as of Aug 31st, 2016.As stated in the previous report, the start of the implementation of the pre-payment agreements with publishers has had a significant impact on the initiative. Some of the areas where the influence is felt are: Nearly 40% of the funding requests processed in the la...

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  1668 Hits